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Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Follow Up on Recommendations

Meeting: 26/06/2019 - Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 Internal Audit Follow Up on Recommendations - IA/19/010 pdf icon PDF 148 KB


(i)       in relation to questions raised relating to the Craft Workers Terms and Conditions outstanding audit recommendation, to note that until Internal Audit were satisfied that the audit recommendation had been completed, the item would remain in future reports;

(ii)      to note the responses provided to various questions raised from Members; and

(iii)      to otherwise note the content of the report.


The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Internal Auditor which advised on progress made by the relevant Functions with implementing recommendations that had been agreed in Internal Audit reports.


In relation to the Craft Workers Terms and Conditions audit, Councillor Duncan sought assurance that a report would be discussed at the Staff Governance Committee in October so that the outstanding audit recommendation could be removed from this report.  The Chief Internal Auditor confirmed that the outstanding audit recommendation would remain in this report until Internal Audit were satisfied that the recommendation had been completed.


The Chief Officer Operations and Protective Services advised that discussions were ongoing with the Trade Unions and that a report would be presented to the Staff Governance Committee in October addressing the outstanding audit recommendation.


In relation to the Vehicle Usage audit, Councillor Dunbar enquired as to why it was greed that the recommendation would be complete by April 2019 and whether the Function were confident the recommendations would be complete by October 2019.  The Chief Officer Operations and Protective Services advised that when the original audit was undertaken, he thought that the procurement of the vehicles would be completed by April 2019 and that he was confident that the recommendations would be complete by October 2019.


In relation to the Devolved School Management audit, Councillor Jackie Dunbar sought an update on the progress of implementing the audit recommendations.  The Chief Officer Corporate Landlord advised that a Review from the Scottish Government had just been published which he would be reviewing to determine any changes required and that he would keep Internal Audit informed and provide a new date for completion.


In relation to the Corporate Landlord Responsibilities audit, recommendation 2.2.3, Councillor Jackie Dunbar requested when the information would be issued to Internal Audit in order for the recommendation to be closed.  The Chief Officer Corporate Landlord advised that would ensure the information was sent to Internal Audit.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       in relation to questions raised relating to the Craft Workers Terms and Conditions outstanding audit recommendation, to note that until Internal Audit were satisfied that the audit recommendation had been completed, the item would remain in future reports;

(ii)      to note the responses provided to various questions raised from Members; and

(iii)      to otherwise note the content of the report.