Issue - meetings
Mental Health Action Plan - RES/20/031
Meeting: 03/02/2020 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 6)
6 Employee Mental Health Action Plan - Annual Progress Update - RES/20/031 PDF 249 KB
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to thank staff for all the work that had been undertaken in respect of the mental health action plan, and the mental health first aiders;
(ii) to note the actions carried out so far to address and support positive employee mental health; and
(iii) to approve the continuing work outlined in the report to address and improve the same.
With reference to article 9 of the minute of its meeting of 31 January 2019, the Committee had before it an update in respect of the employee mental health action plan which had been approved by the Staff Governance Committee in January 2019. The report set out the actions that had been undertaken since the action plan was last presented to Committee.
The report recommended:-
that Committee –
(a) note the actions carried out so far to address and support positive employee mental health; and
(b) approve the continuing work outlined in the report to address and improve the same.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to thank staff for all the work that had been undertaken in respect of the mental health action plan, and the mental health first aiders; and
(ii) to approve the recommendations.