Issue - meetings
Workplans and Business Cases - Revenue - COM/21/034
Meeting: 11/02/2021 - Strategic Commissioning Committee (Item 11)
11 Workplans and Business Cases - Revenue - COM/21/034 PDF 211 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Summary Workplan – Public, item 11 PDF 113 KB
- Appendix 3 - 3.10 Memo Summary_Public, item 11 PDF 125 KB
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to request that officers provide Members with a list of outlets where free school meals substitute vouchers could be used;
(ii) in relation to Appendix 3 (Replacement of Bus Lane Enforcement Equipment) to note that officers would provide information to Members outwith the meeting on whether there had been an awareness that the equipment was becoming obsolete;
(iii) in relation to Appendix 2 and the figures provided in respect of the AD Plant Operator Contract, to request that officers give consideration to the presentation of figures in future reports to ensure that there was clarity around exactly what that the Committee was being asked to approve;
(iv) to request that officers circulate information to Members outwith the meeting on the weed spraying options available to the Council;
(v) in relation to the AD Plant Operator Contract business case, to request that consideration be given to going out to tender after the initial two year contract;
(vi) to review the workplans as detailed in the Appendices;
(vii) to approve the procurement business cases, including the total estimated expenditure for the proposed contracts;
(viii) to approve the direct awards of contract where there are special circumstances outlined in the respective procurement business cases which justify not issuing a tender or calling off from a framework agreement; and
(ix) to note the direct awards of contract made under the provisions for urgency as detailed within Appendix 3 – 3.10 Memo Summary.
Business Cases approved:-
· Managed Print Contract Extension
· Housing First
· Infrastructure Hosting and Management
· AD Plant Operator Contract
· Road Pavement Weed Spraying
· Void Properties
The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Operating Officer which (1)
presented procurement workplans where revenue expenditure was included for the Commissioning, Customer, Operations and Resources functions to Committee for review; and (2) sought approval of each of the procurement business cases listed below, including the total estimated revenue expenditure for each proposed contract, as contained at item 12.1 of the agenda.
The list of procurement business cases was as follows:-
Cluster |
Business Case |
Commercial and Procurement |
Managed Print Contract Extension |
Early Intervention and Community Empowerment |
Housing First |
Digital and Technology |
Infrastructure Hosting and Management |
Corporate Landlord |
AD Plant Operator Contract |
Operations and Protective Services |
Road Pavement Weed Spraying |
Operations and Protective Services |
Void Properties |
The report recommended:-
that Committee –
(a) review the workplans as detailed in the Appendices;
(b) approve the procurement business cases, including the total estimated expenditure for the proposed contracts;
(c) approve the direct awards of contract where there are special circumstances outlined in the respective procurement business cases which justify not issuing a tender or calling off from a framework agreement; and
(d) to note the direct awards of contract made under the provisions for urgency as detailed within Appendix 3 – 3.10 Memo Summary.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to request that officers provide Members with a list of outlets where free school meals substitute vouchers could be used;
(ii) in relation to Appendix 2 and the figures provided in respect of the AD Plant Operator Contract, to request that officers give consideration to the presentation of figures in future reports to ensure that there was clarity around exactly what the Committee was being asked to approve;
(iii) in relation to Appendix 3 (Replacement of Bus Lane Enforcement Equipment) to note that officers would provide information to Members outwith the meeting on whether there had been an awareness that the equipment was becoming obsolete;
(iv) to request that officers circulate information to Members outwith the meeting on the weed spraying options available to the Council;
(v) in relation to the AD Plant Operator Contract business case, to request that consideration be given to going out to tender after the initial two year contract; and
(vi) to approve the recommendations and the business cases outlined above.