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Issue - meetings

Vaccination Blueprint - HSCP.21.066

Meeting: 24/08/2021 - Integration Joint Board (Item 13)

13 Vaccination Blueprint - HSCP.21.066 pdf icon PDF 466 KB

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The Board resolved :-

(i)            to note the progress made on the mass vaccination programme and flu delivery in 2020 and lessons learned from both;

(ii)          to agree to the implementation of the new service delivery model for Vaccination services, as outlined within Appendix A, with effect from end of August 2021;

(iii)         to note that fixed term staff funded by Covid funding will be in place to deliver on the Extended Flu and Covid Booster until end of March 2022;

(iv)         to note the identified funding stream required for Covid -19 Booster and Extended Flu; as outlined at paragraph 4.2 of this report; and

(v)          to make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B, and instructs the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to NHSG.


The Board had before it the report from the Chief Officer, ACHSCP which presented an update on the immunisation plan including the re-fresh of the Immunisation Blueprint.


Members heard from the Programme Manager who provided an overview of the plan and its challenges for delivery.


Members heard that early intentions of combined flu and covid vaccination sessions were not likely to happen as requirements and arrangements had not been concluded at a national level.


Members were advised that learning from previous vaccination sessions including those during the pandemic had been acknowledged and adjustments applied. This included that vaccination sessions would be geographically localised to a home address rather than a registered surgery address.


The reported recommended :-

that the Board -

a)            note the progress made on the mass vaccination programme and flu delivery in 2020 and lessons learned from both;

b)            agree to the implementation of the new service delivery model for Vaccination services, as outlined within Appendix A, with effect from end of August 2021;

c)            note that fixed term staff funded by Covid funding will be in place to deliver on the Extended Flu and Covid Booster until end of March 2022;

d)            note the identified funding stream required for Covid-19 Booster and Extended Flu; as outlined at paragraph 4.2 of this report; and

e)            make the Direction, as attached at Appendix B, and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to NHSG.


The Board resolved :-

to approve the recommendations.