Issue - meetings
Aberdeen Performing Arts Annual Report - COM/21/
Meeting: 06/10/2021 - Strategic Commissioning Committee (Item 5)
5 Aberdeen Performing Arts Annual Report - COM/21/229 PDF 223 KB
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The Committee resolved:-
(i) to thank Mrs Spiers for the detailed report and the continued efforts of Aberdeen Performing Arts during the pandemic;
(ii) to request that the next annual report provide a comparison with pre-COVID figures; and
(iii) to note the Aberdeen Performing Arts ALEO Annual Report appended to the report for the Council’s interests.
With reference to article 5 of the minute of its meeting of 12 November 2020, the Committee had before it a report by the Head of Commercial and Procurement which presented the Aberdeen Performing Arts annual review report covering financial year 2020/21 in order to provide Committee with an overview of performance of service delivery.
Ms Spiers, Aberdeen Performing Arts, was in attendance and answered questions from Members.
The report recommended:-
that Committee note the Aberdeen Performing Arts ALEO Annual Report appended to the report for the Council’s interests.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to thank Mrs Spiers for the detailed report and the continued efforts of Aberdeen Performing Arts during the pandemic;
(ii) to request that the next annual report provide a comparison with pre-COVID figures; and
(iii) to note the report.