Issue - meetings
Sport Aberdeen Annual Report - COM/21/
Meeting: 06/10/2021 - Strategic Commissioning Committee (Item 6)
6 Sport Aberdeen Annual Report - COM/21/230 PDF 203 KB
Additional documents:
- SCC - 061021 - SA ALEO Performance Report (1), item 6 PDF 351 KB
- SCC - 061021 - SA - Appendix A (2), item 6 PDF 314 KB
- SCC - 061021 - SA 2020-2021 Annual Report Appendix (3), item 6 PDF 5 MB
- SCC - 061021 - SA - Social Value Calculator Report Appendix (4), item 6 PDF 169 KB
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to note the assurance from officers that future reports would be clear in relation to references to the living wage;
(ii) in relation to page 60 (Healthy life expectancy - time lived in good health - is five years longer by 2026) to request that information be circulated to Members outwith the meeting to advise of the current life expectancy age;
(iii) to thank Mr Robertson and his staff for their hard work and efforts to maintain services for the public over the pandemic.
With reference to article 7 of the minute of its meeting of 12 November 2020, the Committee had before it a report by the Head of Commercial and Procurement which presented the Sport Aberdeen annual review report covering financial year 2020/21 in order to provide Committee with an overview of performance of service delivery.
Mr Robertson, Sport Aberdeen, was in attendance and answered questions from Members.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee note the Sport Aberdeen ALEO Annual Report appended to the report for the Council’s interests.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to note the assurance from officers that future reports would be clear in relation to references to the living wage;
(ii) in relation to page 60 (Healthy life expectancy - time lived in good health - is five years longer by 2026) to request that information be circulated to Members outwith the meeting to advise of the current life expectancy age;
(iii) to thank Mr Robertson and his staff for their hard work and efforts to maintain services for the public over the pandemic; and
(iv) to note the report.