Issue - meetings
Training - to follow
Meeting: 24/06/2022 - Pensions Committee and Pension Board (Item 9)
9 Training - PC/JUNE22/TRA PDF 214 KB
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The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided details of the training plan for 2022-2023 for the Pensions Committee and Pension Board.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee –
(a) agree the annual and one-off proposed training set out in the attached report:
· approve the travel of members to the training session in London
· approve the travel of members to attend external training opportunities
· approve the travel of members to attend LAPFF meetings; and
(b) note the requirement to have completed the Pensions Regulator online training and the Hymans online training in line with the Training Policy.
The Convener, seconded by Councillor Henrickson, moved:-
That the Committee –
(a) agree the annual and one off proposed training set out in the attached report, with the exception that the proposed training session in London is held in Aberdeen instead, with fund managers either attending in person, or providing training virtually and:
· approve the travel of members to attend external training opportunities
· approve the travel of members to attend LAPFF meetings; and
(b) note the requirement to have completed the Pensions Regulator online training and the Hymans online training in line with the Training Policy.
Councillor Crockett, seconded by Councillor Stewart, moved as an amendment:-
That the Committee approve the recommendations as set out in the report.
On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) - the Convener; the Vice Convener; and Councillors Alphonse, Clark, Davidson, Henrickson and Mcrae; for the amendment (6) – Councillors Crockett, Cross, Malik, Massey, Stewart and Tissera.
The Committee resolved:-
to adopt the motion.