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Issue - meetings

Place Based Investment Programme - COM/22/205

Meeting: 21/09/2022 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 11)

11 Place Based Investment Programme - COM/22/205 pdf icon PDF 370 KB

Additional documents:


(i)       awards up to £11,000 to the St Mary’s Episcopal Church (at present procathedral) for the West end ‘Peace Garden’ project;

(ii)       awards up to £43,000 to Aberdeen City Council: Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums (AAGM) for the Aberdeen Art Gallery auto-opening doors project; and

(iii)      instructs the Chief Officer – City Growth to enter into a grant agreement with Torry Development Trust and Grampian Housing Association for up to £1,408,965 specifically for the Victoria Road School Community Regeneration Project with the funding to come from the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund.


With reference to article 11 of the minute of meeting of 21 June 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided an update on the applications received and sought instruction from Committee on the allocation of the remaining £126,013 from the Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP) Fund; The report also sought approval to enter into a grant agreement with Torry Development Trust and Grampian Housing Association enabling spend of up to £1,408,965 of Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Funding (RCGF) secured by Aberdeen City Council on behalf of Torry Development Trust and Grampian Housing association for the Victoria Road School Community Regeneration Project.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)      awards up to £11,000 to the St Mary’s Episcopal Church (at present procathedral) for the West end ‘Peace Garden’ project;

(b)      awards up to £43,000 to Aberdeen City Council: Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums (AAGM) for the Aberdeen Art Gallery auto-opening doors project; and

(c)      instruct the Chief Officer – City Growth to enter into a grant agreement with Torry Development Trust and Grampian Housing Association for up to £1,408,965 specifically for the Victoria Road School Community Regeneration Project with the funding to come from the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.