Issue - meetings
External Transportation Links to Aberdeen South Harbour – Progress Update
Meeting: 07/10/2022 - Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee (Item 6)
6 External Transportation Links to Aberdeen South Harbour – Progress Update PDF 593 KB
With reference to article 5 of the minute of the previous meeting of 10 June 2022, the Joint Committee had before it a report which provided an update on the External Transportation Links to Aberdeen South Harbour project detailing the current progress and programme scenarios.
The report recommended:-
that the Joint Committee –
(a) instruct the Chief Officer - Capital, Aberdeen City Council, to progress the South Harbour Link Road in line with the “best-case” programme which delivers road opening within Quarter 2, 2026 by starting all processes at the earliest available opportunity;
(b) note the risk for the wider project programme to extend beyond the timescales of the Aberdeen City Region Deal and instruct the Chief Officer - Capital, Aberdeen City Council, to maintain dialogue on this matter with Transport Scotland/Scottish Government and UK Government as a standing item on the Transportation Working Group; and
(c) instruct the Chief Officer - Capital, Aberdeen City Council, to review project milestones and spend profile on this basis and submit a Change Request as necessary.
The Joint Committee heard from Alan McKay, Team Leader, Roads Projects, Aberdeen City Council and John Wilson, Chief Officer – Capital, Aberdeen City Council who provided a summary of the report and responded to questions from members regarding the risks of delay, land assembly and the next phases of the project.
In terms of the final route alignment timescale, it was noted that completion of Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Stages 2 and 3 and the Outline Business Case for Aberdeen South Harbour Link Road would be around September/October 2023, based on a best-case scenario.
The Joint Committee resolved:-
(i) to approve the recommendations contained within the report; and
(ii) to note that the Chief Officer – Capital, Aberdeen City Council would circulate a briefing note to members outlining the process of local authority new road design and project development, including details around the mitigation of risks.
Meeting: 09/09/2022 - Aberdeen City Region Deal Joint Committee (Item 3.2)
3.2 External Transportation Links to Aberdeen South Harbour – Progress Update PDF 593 KB