Issue - meetings
Performance Management Framework - Education and Children's Services - CUS/22/240
Meeting: 08/11/2022 - Education and Children's Services Committee (Item 7)
7 2021-22 Attainment and Achievement Data Performance Report - CUS/22/240 PDF 1 MB
Additional documents:
(i) in relation to page 58 of the report and senior and middle leadership development, to note that the Chief Officer – Education would include figures as to the numbers taking up the opportunity to engage with quality professional learning in the next report due to Committee in January 2023;
(ii) to note the content of the report presenting the 2021-22 pre-review Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Insight Tool outcomes, provisional Curriculum for Excellence data for the same period and live attendance and exclusion data; and
(iii) to note the content of Appendix A, outlining the progress of actions supporting delivery of the National Improvement Framework Plan 2022/23.
The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Executive which provided Members with oversight of 2021-22 Senior Phase data, Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) outcomes, and current in year progress towards the targets outlined in the Aberdeen City Council National Improvement Framework Plan 2022/23.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee –
(a) note the content of the report presenting the 2021-22 pre-review Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Insight Tool outcomes, provisional Curriculum for Excellence data for the same period and live attendance and exclusion data;
(b) note the content of Appendix A, outlining the progress of actions supporting delivery of the National Improvement Framework Plan 2022/23; and
(c) provide comment on the approach taken to presenting the live data within the report to inform future reporting styles.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) in relation to page 58 of the report and senior and middle leadership development, to note that the Chief Officer – Education would include figures as to the numbers taking up the opportunity to engage with quality professional learning in the next report due to Committee in January 2023; and
(ii) to approve the recommendations.