Issue - meetings
Annual Report - Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee - RES/23/005
Meeting: 10/01/2023 - Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee (Item 7)
7 Annual Report - Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee - RES/23/005 PDF 134 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee resolved:-
(i) in relation to section 4.4. of the report (future reports for the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee) to note that there were no cycling reports listed and that officers would raise this at the next meeting of the Northern Roads Collaboration Officer Group;
(ii) to note the annual report from the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee as attached at Appendix 1;
(iii) to note the stock taking exercise which was carried out by the Northern Roads Collaboration Officer Group as attached at Appendix 2; and
(iv) to note the continued role of Aberdeen City Council in the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee.
The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which presented the annual report of the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee, approved at that Committee on 25 June 2021. The report also included a further stock-taking exercise which had been carried out by the Northern Roads Collaboration Officer Group. It had been recommended at the Joint Committee that the annual report be presented to the relevant committee within each local authority.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee –
(a) note the annual report from the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee as attached at Appendix 1;
(b) note the stock taking exercise which was carried out by the Northern Roads Collaboration Officer Group as attached at Appendix 2; and
(c) note the continued role of Aberdeen City Council in the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) in relation to section 4.4. of the report (future reports for the Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee) to note that there were no cycling reports listed and that officers would raise this at the next meeting of the Northern Roads Collaboration Officer Group; and
(ii) to approve the recommendations.