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Issue - meetings

Inspection Reporting - CFS/22/008

Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Education and Children's Services Committee (Item 9)

9 Inspection Reporting - CFS/22/008 pdf icon PDF 263 KB

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(i)       to note that there was an error in the table on page 126 of the report and that Beech House Nursery had received two Very Good ratings and two Good ratings;

(ii)       to note the content of the report;

(iii)      to instruct the Chief Education Officer to continue to support Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings and schools to implement continuous improvement in keeping with the Quality Frameworks; and

(iv)      to instruct the Chief Education Officer to monitor progress against the Action Plan put in place to realise improvements at Kingsford Early Learning and Childcare provision and report progress towards achieving the actions within 2 committee cycles.


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Director of Children’s and Family Services which detailed how Aberdeen City schools and Early Learning and Childcare settings had engaged with His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education (HMIe) and The Care Inspectorate since November 2022.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)      note the content of the report;

(b)      instruct the Chief Officer – Education to continue to support Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings and schools to implement continuous improvement in keeping with the Quality Frameworks; and

(c)      instruct the Chief Officer – Education to monitor progress against the Action Plan put in place to realise improvements at Kingsford Early Learning and Childcare provision and report progress towards achieving the actions within two committee cycles.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to note that there was an error in the table on page 126 of the report and that Beech House Nursery had received two Very Good ratings and two Good ratings; and

(ii)       to approve the recommendations.