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Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 4)

4 Notice of Motion by Councillor Tissera pdf icon PDF 107 KB


(i)       to note that officers have provided Trade Unions with answers to the questions raised and that these have also been circulated to all Elected Members for information;

(ii)       to note that the Council meeting in December 2022 only instructed the Chief Executive and Interim Chief Officer – Governance to discuss with the Scottish Government any opportunities to transfer functions through legislative change, and therefore agrees that it is premature to discuss the matter further at this time, as there is nothing further to be reported at present;

(iii)      to agree therefore that no action be taken in relation to the Notice of Motion, but that officers continue to engage with Trade Unions, particularly in relation to any outcomes from discussions with the Scottish Government, ahead of any report back to Council on any specific opportunities proposed to be progressed; and

(iv)      to note the ongoing commitment of COSLA and Scottish Government to the local governance review which is exploring fiscal, functional and community empowerment.


The Committee had before it the following Notice of Motion in the name of Councillor Tissera:-


That the Committee:


(a)            note the decision of the Council on 14 December 2022 regarding Statutory Services;

(b)            note that a response to Unison’s questions was due to be circulated in January and requests that the response be placed before the Staff Governance Committee for further consideration;

(c)            agree that it is in the public interest, that answers to the 12 questions asked by UNISON were considered at this Committee which as part of its remit seeks to maintain good relationships and model a partnership approach between the Council and trade unions; provide a decision-making forum, for the resolution of staffing matters that cannot be resolved through normal processes including but not restricted to conditions of service.


1.          Does the Council hold independent legal advice that supports the view that it is within the statutory competence of a local authority to seek to offload its statutory powers and duties? Will it publish such advice?

2.          Does the Council hold independent legal advice that supports the view that it is within the statutory competence of a local authority to seek to offload its statutory powers and duties without having due regard to sustainability and the equal opportunity requirements? Will it publish such advice?

3.          Will the Council publish a list of the agencies identified as possible transfer partners?

4.          Will the Council publish the criteria used to make that initial assessment of possible transfer partners and publish any written assessment of the merits of each proposed transfer?

5.          Has the Council consulted, formally or informally, with possible transfer agencies? If so, will the Council publish the findings of that consultation?

6.          In assessing the suitability of proposed transfer partners, did the Council assess the capacity of the transfer partner to assume the role of duty bearer in relation to statutory obligations such as equality, human rights, Fairer Scotland Duty, environmental sustainability and climate change?

7.          Has the Council consulted, formally or informally, with Scottish Government? If so, will the Council publish the notes, correspondence or findings of that engagement?

8.          Has the Council consulted, formally or informally, with local government partners, SOLACE or CoSLA? If so, will the Council publish the notes, correspondence, or findings of that engagement?

9.          Has the Council assessed the beneficial impact of local democratic control and accountability to the function under review and will the Council publish the findings of that assessment of local democracy for each individual activity?

10.      Will the Council agree to engage with each of the statutory bodies tasked with promoting equality, human rights, socio-economic justice and environmental sustainability and act on any guidance they provide as to how to proceed?

11.      Is there any document or information held by the Council that indicates in broad terms how such transfers are intended to generate a saving and the broad scale of the saving the council anticipates?

12.      Does the Council hold any information that tends to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4