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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 5)

5 Public Holiday - Coronation of King Charles III - CUS/23/038 pdf icon PDF 405 KB


To approve the granting of an additional public holiday on 8 May 2023.


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Customer Services which sought approval for an additional public holiday for staff on Monday 8 May 2023 to mark the celebration of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.


A report requesting delegated authority for the Chief Officer - Education to make a formal request to the Scottish Government for an additional closure day for schools, subject to the Staff Governance Committee approving the recommendation contained in the report, had been considered and approved at the meeting of the Education and Children’s Services Committee on 24 January 2023.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee approve the granting of an additional public holiday on 8 May 2023.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendation.