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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/01/2023 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 7)

7 Job Families and Capability Framework - CUS/23/036 pdf icon PDF 3 MB


(i)       to approve the Council’s new approach to job families;

(ii)       to note the Council’s refreshed capability framework and the approach to continuous improvement based on staff and trade union feedback;

(iii)      to note the approach to development which aligns to the job family approach and our workforce delivery plan;

(iv)      to note the extensive engagement that has taken place throughout 2021 and 2022 to develop the job families and refreshed capability framework; and

(v)      to note that a similar approach to the development of two additional job families – Teachers and Chief Officers – will be taken with engagement and input from  relevant stakeholders and consideration of their specific needs and requirements.


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Customer Services which  sought approval for the proposed approach to job families in line with the approved workforce strategy within Target Operating Model 1.2 and the workforce delivery plan.  The report also included the accompanying refreshed capability framework.


The report noted that employees would be supported to develop and nurture the capabilities needed to facilitate the organisational culture to strategically orient the Council to deliver the outcomes of TOM 1.2.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)      approve the Council’s new approach to job families;

(b)      note the Council’s refreshed capability framework and the approach to continuous improvement based on staff and trade union feedback;

(c)      note the approach to development which aligned to the job family approach and the workforce delivery plan;

(d)      note the extensive engagement that had taken place throughout 2021 and 2022 to develop the job families and refreshed capability framework; and

(e)      note that a similar approach to the development of two additional job families – Teachers and Chief Officers – would be taken with engagement and input from  relevant stakeholders and consideration of their specific needs and requirements.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.