Issue - meetings
Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest
Meeting: 21/03/2023 - Education and Children's Services Committee (Item 1)
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
These will be detailed in full in the minute.
The following statements of transparency were noted:-
· in relation to items 10.1 (Integrated Children’s Services Plan) and 10.2 (Early Learning and Childcare Longitudinal Study), the Vice Convener advised that her daughter attended Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) provision, and in relation to item 10.3 (Consultation Reports: Greenbrae School / Glashieburn School Catchment Areas and Walker Road School Relocation), that Greenbrae School was in her ward, however she did not consider that any of these connections amounted to an interest which would require her to withdraw from the meeting for these items; and
· also in relation to items 10.1 and 10.2, Councillor Grant advised that he had a child and a niece who attended ELC provision, however did not consider that this amounted to an interest which would require him to withdraw from the meeting for these items.