Issue - meetings
Meeting: 24/03/2023 - Pensions Committee and Pension Board (Item 11)
11 Budget Forecast 2022/2023 - PC/MAR23/BUD PDF 207 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which detailed the Management Expenses Budget/Forecast and Projected Spend 2022/23 for the North East Scotland Pension Fund (NESPF).
Members asked a number of questions around underspend in the Investment Staff costs; whether business rates were a recurring pressure; and in relation to the overspend on the actuarial fees.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee note the update on the NESPF Management Expenses
Budget/Forecast and Projected Spend 2022/23.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to request that officers prepare a service update showing the breakdown of the actuarial spend over the last 12 months; and
(ii) to otherwise note the report.