Issue - meetings
Strategy - PC/MAR23/STRAT
Meeting: 24/03/2023 - Pensions Committee and Pension Board (Item 13)
13 Strategy - PC/MAR23/STRAT PDF 202 KB
Additional documents:
- Strategy Report - Mar23_final, item 13 PDF 455 KB
- Appendix I_RR_Feb23 (Final), item 13 PDF 371 KB
- Appendix II_PAS Q3, item 13 PDF 494 KB
- Appendix III_DRAFT Data Quality Improvement Plan (2023), item 13 PDF 290 KB
The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided an update and recommendations (if applicable) on changes to the North East Scotland Pension Fund and the Aberdeen City Council Transport Fund.
The report provided an update on the NESPF’s award success (as discussed at article 1); details of ongoing staff training; information on the two unfilled posts which had now been converted to Modern Apprenticeship positions; notification that there had been no cases of fraud, whistleblowing or breaches of the Bribery Act this year; an update to the Data Quality Improvement Plan; updates on terminations/exits from the Fund; and notification that the Financial Forum and training which had been cancelled in December 2022 was to be rescheduled.
Members asked a number of questions in relation to the report.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee note the report for assurance.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to commend those who had applied for the Modern Apprenticeship positions;
(ii) to note that officers were currently reviewing the Termination Policy and that there would be a future report to Committee around terminations and conversations being held with employers; and
(iii) to otherwise note the report.