Issue - meetings
Biennial Progress report on delivery of our Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework
Meeting: 25/04/2023 - Integration Joint Board (Item 13)
13 Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework - HSCP.23.024 PDF 258 KB
Additional documents:
- HSCP23.024_Appendix A_ACHSCP EOMF Progress Report, item 13 PDF 702 KB
- HSCP23.024_Appendix B Assessing Impact, item 13 PDF 553 KB
- HSCP23.024_Appendix C_Revised Equality Outcomes, item 13 PDF 299 KB
The Board resolved:-
(i) to approve the Biennial Progress Report in relation to the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework;
(ii) to instruct the Chief Officer to publish the Progress Report and advise the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) when this is done;
(iii) to approve the revised Guidance on Assessing the Impact of Policy and Practices; and
(iv) to approve the revised Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework 2023-2025.
The Board had before it a report on the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework. The Strategy and Transformation Lead introduced the report.
The report recommended:-
that the Board:
(a) approve the Biennial Progress Report in relation to the Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework;
(b) instruct the Chief Officer to publish the Progress Report and advise the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) when this was done;
(c) approve the revised Guidance on Assessing the Impact of Policy and Practices; and
(d) approve the revised Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Framework 2023-2025.
The Board resolved:-
to agree the recommendations.