Issue - meetings
Creating Hope Together: Scotland's Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan
Meeting: 25/04/2023 - Integration Joint Board (Item 16)
Additional documents:
- HSCP23.019_Stage 1 - HIIA Proportionality and Relevance August 2022 v2, item 16 PDF 331 KB
- HSCP23.019_Reducing-Suicide-Rates, item 16 PDF 221 KB
The Board resolved:-
(i) to note the progress on delivery of the national Suicide Prevention Strategy, Action Plan and local implementation; and
(ii) to instruct the Chief Officer to provide an update on progress annually to the Integration Joint Board.
The Board had before it the recently published national Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan.
Jenny Rae – Transformation Programme Manager, ACHSCP presented the report and explained that the Suicide Prevention Strategy ‘Creating Hope Together’ was published in September 2022, jointly produced by the Scottish Government and COSLA. The new national 10-year strategy, and an associated action plan, replaced the current Suicide Prevention Action Plan ‘Every Life Matters’ which was published in 2018.
Members discussed the use of social media, early intervention and prevention and carer representation.
The report recommended:-
that the Board:
(a) note the progress on delivery of the national Suicide Prevention Strategy Action Plan and local implementation; and
(b) instruct the Chief Officer to provide an update on progress annually to the Integration Joint Board.
The Board resolved:-
to approve the recommendations.