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Issue - meetings

Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Education and Children's Services Committee (Item 2)

Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements


These will be recorded in full in the minute.


The Committee noted the following transparency statements:-


·       In relation to item 10.4 (School Transport - Establishment of Catchment Areas for Gaelic Medium Education), the Vice Convener noted for reasons of transparency that her daughter would be attending Gilcomstoun School after the summer.   Similarly, she noted for reasons of transparency in relation to item 10.6 (Inspection Reporting) that her daughter currently attended Gilcomstoun ELC provision, however she did not consider either connection to require a declaration of interest, and indicated that she would remain in the meeting for consideration of both items.

·       In relation to item 10.3 (Free School Meals Annual Update), Councillor Grant advised for reasons of transparency that his daughter was currently in receipt of free school meals, and in relation to item 10.6 (Inspection Reporting), his youngest daughter currently attended Riverbank ELC provision, however he did not consider that either connection required him to make a declaration of interest and he would therefore remain in the meeting for consideration of both items.