Issue - meetings
Deputation from Gavin Clark (Aberdeen Cycle Forum)
Meeting: 05/07/2023 - Finance and Resources Committee (Item 4)
The Committee had before it a deputation by Gavin Clark, Aberdeen Cycle Forum in relation to agenda item 9.7 (City Centre Six Monthly Update – Streetscape Programme).
The Convener advised that a further deputation from Mr Hussein Patwa, Disability Equity Partnership in relation to agenda item 9.7 (City Centre Six Monthly Update – Streetscape Programme) had been received, however it was not submitted on time and was therefore not competent in terms of Standing Order 14.1 (two clear working days before the Committee meeting). He indicated that having heard the explanation from Mr Patwa in this regard and in terms of standing order 14.11, that on this occasion, he would be minded to accept the deputation on to the agenda to help facilitate discussion on this item. Furthermore, he intimated that Mr Patwa was now unable to attend the meeting today and that Ms Libby Hillhouse and Mr Graham Findlay would instead be representing the Disability Equity Partnership.
The Committee resolved:-
to note the information provided and that the deputations would be heard immediately prior to the consideration of the report (article 13 of this minute refers).