Issue - meetings
Meeting: 22/08/2023 - Integration Joint Board (Item 17)
17 Rosewell House - evaluation and recommendation reports - HSCP.23.054 PDF 602 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Rosewell Evaluation Report 2023, item 17 PDF 801 KB
- Appendix B - Direction Rosewell House, item 17 PDF 179 KB
The Board resolved:-
(i) to approve an extension of the integrated facility at Rosewell House to 31 December 2025 having regard to the report and its Appendix A;
(ii) to make the Direction attached (at Appendix B) to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;
(iii) to instruct the Chief Officer to issue that Direction to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;
(iv) to instruct the Chief Officer of the IJB to make and implement any reasonable and necessary arrangements in furtherance of (ii) and (iii) above; and
(v) to request a further report to be brought in Summer 2025 to determine the future direction of Rosewell House with consideration given to the next iteration of the Partnership’s Strategic Plan.
The Board had before it a report prepared by the Transformation Programme Manager presenting the findings of an evaluation of Rosewell House ahead of the expiration of the existing arrangements in October 2023.
The report recommended:-
that the Board:
(a) approve an extension of the integrated facility at Rosewell House to 31 December 2025 having regard to the report and its Appendix A;
(b) make the Direction attached at Appendix B of the report, to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;
(c) instruct the Chief Officer to issue that Direction to NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council;
(d) instruct the Chief Officer to make and implement any reasonable and necessary arrangements in furtherance of (b) and (c) above; and
(e) request a further report to be brought in Summer 2025 to determine the future direction of Rosewell House with consideration given to the next iteration of the Partnership’s Strategic Plan.
The Board resolved:-
to agree the recommendations.