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Issue - meetings

Committee Planner

Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Finance and Resources Committee (Item 4)

4 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 210 KB


(i)       to note the reasons for deferral in relation to item 4 (Fleet Replacement Programme), item 6 (Outline Business Case: Northfield Primary Schools Excess Capacity), item 7 (Outline Business Case: Oldmachar Primary Schools Excess Capacity), item 9 (Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) Section 7), item 11 (Complex Care – Full Business Case), item 12 (Commercial Property Auction - Former St Peters Nursery/The Hollies, 43 King’s Gate), item 13 (Financial Settlement from Transport Scotland for the De-trunking of the A92/A96 (Haudagain Improvement), item 14 (School Estate Plan: Hazlehead/Countesswells Secondary School Provision – Outline Business Case), item 15 (Proposals for Investment for Works at Riverbank School to Accommodate the Relocation of St. Peter’s School), item 21 (Bucksburn Swimming Pool – Update September 2023) and item 25 (School Estate Plan: Harlaw Academy Condition & Suitability Improvements – Outline Business Case);

(ii)      to remove item 10 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Lemon Tree) from the planner, noting that a report would be submitted to the Committee if  Aberdeen Performing Arts were to seek to re-establish the Lemon Tree Redevelopment project;

(iii)      that in relation to item 14 (School Estate Plan: Hazlehead/Countesswells Secondary School Provision – Outline Business Case), to instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to circulate details to members of the Committee regarding any communications held between officers and LEIP 3 Funding officials, including any with Scottish Government officers; and

(iv)     to otherwise note the Committee Business Planner.


The Committee had before it the Committee Business Planner prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to note the reasons for deferral in relation to item 4 (Fleet Replacement Programme), item 6 (Outline Business Case: Northfield Primary Schools Excess Capacity), item 7 (Outline Business Case: Oldmachar Primary Schools Excess Capacity), item 9 (Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) Section 7), item 11 (Complex Care – Full Business Case), item 12 (Commercial Property Auction - Former St Peters Nursery/The Hollies, 43 King’s Gate), item 13 (Financial Settlement from Transport Scotland for the De-trunking of the A92/A96 (Haudagain Improvement), item 14 (School Estate Plan: Hazlehead/Countesswells Secondary School Provision – Outline Business Case), item 15 (Proposals for Investment for Works at Riverbank School to Accommodate the Relocation of St. Peter’s School), item 21 (Bucksburn Swimming Pool – Update September 2023) and item 25 (School Estate Plan: Harlaw Academy Condition & Suitability Improvements – Outline Business Case);

(ii)      to remove item 10 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund - Lemon Tree) from the planner, noting that a report would be submitted to the Committee if  Aberdeen Performing Arts were to seek to re-establish the Lemon Tree Redevelopment project;

(iii)      that in relation to item 14 (School Estate Plan: Hazlehead/Countesswells Secondary School Provision – Outline Business Case), to instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to circulate details to members of the Committee regarding any communications held between officers and LEIP 3 Funding officials, including any with Scottish Government officers; and

(iv)     to otherwise note the Committee Business Planner.