Issue - meetings
Members are requested to intimate any declarations of interest
Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Education and Children's Services Committee (Item 2)
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
These will be recorded in full in the minute.
The Committee noted the following transparency statements:-
· In relation to item 9.1 (Music Service Update), Councillor Blake advised for reasons of transparency that she had two sons who attended music lessons; Councillor Grant advised that he had a son who took music lessons; and Mrs Cardno advised that she had two children who also participated in music lessons, however none of the Members considered that this amounted to a declaration of interest, and they advised that they would be participating in the discussion on the item;
· Also in relation to item 9.1 (Music Service Update), Councillor McLeod advised for reasons of transparency that he had previously been employed by Aberdeen City Council as Music Co-ordinator for the Council, but did not consider that this amounted to an interest which would prevent him from participating in the item;
· In relation to item 11.4 (Summer in the City Programme), Councillor Blake advised for reasons of transparency that she was on the Board of Aberdeen Sports Village, and had also participated in one of the Summer in the City activities, but she did not consider that this amounted to a declaration of interest and would be remaining in the meeting for that item;
· In relation to item 11.8 (Outline Business Case: Oldmachar Primary Schools Excess Capacity) (School Estate Plan Update), Mrs Cardno advised for reasons of transparency that she had two children attending school in the Oldmachar catchment area, but did not consider that this amounted to a declaration of interest and would be remaining in the meeting for that item;
· In relation to item 11.9 (School Estate Plan), Mr Murray advised for reasons of transparency that he had two grandchildren who attended St Joseph’s RC School, but did not consider that this amounted to a declaration of interest and would be remaining in the meeting for that item.
· In relation to item 11.10 (St Peter’s RC School – Long Term Education Provision), Mr Murray advised for reasons of transparency that his daughter was a teacher at St Peter’s RC School, but again, he did not consider that this amounted to an interest which needed to be declared and he would be remaining in the meeting for consideration of that item.