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Issue - meetings

Requests for Deputations

Meeting: 11/10/2023 - Council (Item 5)

Deputation Requests


The Council resolved:-

to note the deputation from Ms Rachel Mearns from Aberdeen Academy of Performing Arts and thank her for her contribution.


The Council received a deputation from Ms Rachel Mearns from Aberdeen Academy of Performing Arts, who spoke in connection with the Finalised Draft George Street Masterplan report.


Ms Mearns advised that she ran Aberdeen Academy of Performing Arts which had always operated in the city centre and had been based in Jopp’s Lane since 2010. She advised that the George Street Masterplan was a great idea and she wanted to see the area improve, however she felt a number of things had been overlooked, for example none of the businesses in Jopp’s Lane had been contacted during the consultation. She added that she only found out about it online and had attended a meeting on 21 September.


Ms Mearns expressed concern at the proposed narrowing of the road and other traffic management proposals which she felt would not work in Jopp’s Lane. She highlighted that many of her customers came by car to drop off their children and alterations to the road layout in the area could have catastrophic consequences for her business - customers would simply stop coming if they couldn’t access the premises very easily. She underlined that the area needed improved CCTV and lighting as people did not feel safe, however the area would become a ghost town if it was not accessible by car.


Ms Mearns emphasised that the road layout did not need to be changed and questioned the accuracy of the traffic modelling data which appeared to have been collated on 14 July when schools were off and her business was also closed for the holiday period, therefore there would have been a significant reduction in traffic in the area as a result.


Ms Mearns acknowledged the Council had been facing difficult budgetary decisions but questioned how money could be spent on unnecessary road changes when cuts were being made to the music service and libraries and pools were closing. She implored the Council not to forget about local businesses when making decisions as their livelihoods depended on it.


Members asked questions of Ms Mearns and thanked her for deputation.