Issue - meetings
Welcome from the Chair
Meeting: 10/10/2023 - Integration Joint Board (Item 1)
Welcome from the Chair
The Board resolved:-
to note the Chair’s remarks.
The Chair extended a warm welcome to everyone and in particular new member Councillor Jennifer Bonsell to her first meeting.
He paid tribute to Luan Grugeon who was standing down as Vice Chair after six years as IJB Member, Chair and Vice Chair. Luan stated that it had been a pleasure and privilege to serve on the Board and that she was proud of its achievements. She expressed her thanks to the Chair and Senior Leadership Team. Members noted that Professor Siladitya Bhattacharya would replace Luan as an NHS Grampian Voting Member.
The Chair stated that today was World Mental Health Day and that the official theme for this year’s event was that mental health is a universal human right. He remarked that it was a chance to talk about mental health, the need to look after it and the importance of seeking help if you were struggling.
The Board resolved:-
to note the Chair’s remarks.