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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/10/2023 - Integration Joint Board (Item 17)

General Practice: Proposed Tender to Support Asylum Seekers - HSCP.23.073

Additional documents:


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to approve Option 2 and agree a GP practice/s shall provide direct onsite General Medical Services (GMS) for the asylum seekers at hotels in a manner considered appropriate by the Chief Officer, as set out in the options appraisal in appendix A to the report;

(ii)          to instruct the Chief Officer to implement Option 2;

(iii)         to agree that in the event that Option 2 in recommendation (i) cannot be implemented successfully or can be partially implemented, Option 3b should be pursued and instruct the Chief Officer to implement that Option; and

(iv)         to note the continuation of 3 posts from the Health Assessment Team as part of an Aberdeen City Council (ACC) resettlement integrated team approach to support undertaking of Health Needs Assessments for a period of 12 months.


At this juncture, and in accordance with article 2 of the minute, Caroline Howarth left the meeting.

In accordance with Article 3 of the minute, the following item was considered with the press and public excluded.


The Board had before it a report prepared by the Interim Primary Care Lead presenting the outcomes and recommendations of an options appraisal commissioned to identify the most appropriate delivery mechanism for providing primary care health services to Asylum Seeker arrivals within the Grampian area.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)           approve Option 2 and agree a GP practice/s shall provide direct onsite General Medical Services (GMS) for the asylum seekers at hotels, as set out in the options appraisal in appendix A of the report;

(b)           instruct the Chief Officer to implement Option 2;

(c)           agree that in the event that Option 2 in recommendation a) was unsuccessful, Option 3b should be pursued and instruct the Chief Officer to implement that Option; and

(d)           note the continuation of three posts from the Health Assessment Team as part of an Aberdeen City Council (ACC) resettlement integrated team approach to support undertaking of Health Needs Assessments for a period of 12 months.


The Board resolved:-

(i)             to agree that in the event that Option 2 in recommendation (a) cannot be implemented successfully or can be partially implemented, Option 3b should be pursued and instruct the Chief Officer to implement that Option; and

(ii)            to otherwise agree the recommendations.