Issue - meetings
Libraries and Pool Consultation Results - CUS/23/386
Meeting: 14/12/2023 - Council (Item 1)
1 Libraries and Bucksburn Swimming Pool Consultation Results - CUS/23/386 PDF 641 KB
Pages 91 and 94 of the original agenda pack recirculated to include the graphs which were not originally displaying
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Consultation results - 6 Libraries, item 1 PDF 2 MB
- Appendix B - 6 libraries IIAs, item 1 PDF 2 MB
- Appendix C - Consultation results - Bucksburn swimming pool, item 1 PDF 626 KB
- Appendix D - Bucksburn swimming pool IIA, item 1 PDF 532 KB
- Appendix A - Consultation results - 6 Libraries - extracted pages, item 1 PDF 550 KB
The Council resolved:-
(i) to thank the communities, campaign groups and individuals for their welcome participation and input to the online consultations and focus group sessions;
(ii) to acknowledge the updated Integrated Impact Assessments (IIAs) which considered potential impacts and mitigations to address any potential impact on service users;
(iii) to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to take into account all feedback and mitigations and report this back as part of the Future Library Service Review to the relevant meeting of Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee;
(iv) to agree option 1 as highlighted within the report;
Bucksburn Pool
(v) to note the impact the closure of the pool had on service users who had faced barriers such as transportation and accessibility when accessing other swimming provision in the city;
(vi) to accept Option 2 - request Sport Aberdeen to recommission Bucksburn Pool; and
(vii) to instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to work with Sport Aberdeen to undertake recommissioning of the pool, including any improvements to the building and net zero upgrades to reduce energy costs, with funding taken from the Capital programme contingencies and refer ongoing revenue implications to the 2024/25 budget.
The Council had before it a report by the Director of Customer Services which provided the outcome of consultations and engagement on six libraries: Cornhill, Cults, Ferryhill, Kaimhill, Northfield and Woodside; and Bucksburn Swimming Pool, to enable members to give due regard to the needs of the Public Sector Equality Duty and consider any potential impacts identified on those with protected characteristics prior to considering the recommendations.
The report recommended:-
that the Council -
(a) thank the communities, campaign groups and individuals for their welcome participation and input to the online consultations and focus group sessions;
(c) agree that feedback, ideas and suggestions from the library consultations be used to inform the Future Library Service Report;
(d) consider the overall findings of the report and agree one of the following options:
- Option 1 - Reaffirm the original budget decision to close the 6 libraries
- Option 2 - Overturn the original budget decision to close the 6 libraries and to recommission all 6 and to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to commence planning for the recommissioning of facilities, referring ongoing funding implications to the 2024/25 budget; and
(e) consider the overall findings of the report and agree one of the following options in regard to the Reduction in Sport Aberdeen Funding Option:
- Option 1 - Reaffirm the original budget decision regarding the reduction of funding
- Option 2 - Request Sport Aberdeen to recommission Bucksburn Pool andinstruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Finance, to work with Sport Aberdeen to investigate how the possible recommissioning of the Pool could be funded, referring any ongoing funding implications to the 2024/25 budget.
Councillor Allard moved, seconded by the Depute Provost:-
That the Council -
(1) thank the communities, campaign groups and individuals for their welcome participation and input to the online consultations and focus group sessions;
(2) acknowledge the updated IIAs which had considered potential impacts and mitigations to address any potential impact on service users;
(3) instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to take into account all feedback and mitigations and report this back as part of the Future Library Service Review to the relevant meeting of the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee;
(4) agree option 1 as highlighted within the report;
Bucksburn Pool
(5) note the impact the closure of the pool had on service users who faced barriers such as transportation and accessibility when accessing other swimming provision in the city;
(6) accept option 2 - Request Sport Aberdeen recommission Bucksburn Pool; and
(7) instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to work with Sport Aberdeen to undertake recommissioning of the pool, including any improvements to the ... view the full minutes text for item 1