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Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion by Councillor Watson

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Council (Item 5)

Notice of Motion by Councillor Watson

This Council is proud of its first mission of serving local people, but also of its international solidarity in holding out a helping hand to those in need elsewhere, and hosting many refugees.  


The conflict in Palestine / Israel has caused huge suffering over the last 75 years.  However, the horrific acts of terror by Hamas on 7th October, and the recent escalation of violence in Gaza has overshadowed the recent past in the deaths of civilians, destruction of schools, hospitals and essential infrastructure, and the blockade of water, food, and fuel.  Locally, some citizens of Aberdeen have seen dozens of family members killed in Gaza, and there is a rising danger of Islamophobia and antisemitism.  


Aberdeen City Council recognises the need for justice to underly a sustainable peace, and the internationally accepted need for a 2-state solution to be implemented.  All human lives should be valued equally, and human rights respected for all.  


We call for an immediate ceasefire of all hostilities in Palestine / Israel, the immediate release of hostages, and for international support for huge and urgent UN-led humanitarian relief for citizens of Gaza.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the notice of motion.


The Council had before it a notice of motion by Councillor Watson in the following terms:-


This Council is proud of its first mission of serving local people, but also of its international solidarity in holding out a helping hand to those in need elsewhere, and hosting many refugees.  


The conflict in Palestine / Israel has caused huge suffering over the last 75 years.  However, the horrific acts of terror by Hamas on 7th October, and the recent escalation of violence in Gaza has overshadowed the recent past in the deaths of civilians, destruction of schools, hospitals and essential infrastructure, and the blockade of water, food, and fuel.  Locally, some citizens of Aberdeen have seen dozens of family members killed in Gaza, and there is a rising danger of Islamophobia and antisemitism.  


Aberdeen City Council recognises the need for justice to underly a sustainable peace, and the internationally accepted need for a 2-state solution to be implemented.  All human lives should be valued equally, and human rights respected for all.  


We call for an immediate ceasefire of all hostilities in Palestine / Israel, the immediate release of hostages, and for international support for huge and urgent UN-led humanitarian relief for citizens of Gaza.


Councillor Houghton advised that the Conservative Group could not support the notice of motion as foreign policy was reserved to the UK Government and was not a matter for local authorities.


Councillor Boulton and Councillor Mrs Stewart advised that they could not support the notice of motion as they did not believe it was a matter for the Council.


The Council resolved:-

to approve the notice of motion.