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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/09/2024 - Integration Joint Board (Item 12)

12 ACHSCP Annual Report - HSCP.24.057 pdf icon PDF 247 KB

Additional documents:


(i)            to note the performance that had been achieved in 2023-24, the second year of the Strategic Plan 2022-25;

(ii)          to note that the Annual Performance Report was to be updated with national indicators when available;

(iii)         to approve the publication of the Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix A of the report) on the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) website with the updates referred to at (ii) above;

(iv)         to instruct the Chief Officer to present the approved Annual Performance Report to both Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian Board; and

(v)          to bring a condensed version of the APR to the IJB for information once developed.


The Board had before it a report prepared by the Transformation Programme Manager seeking approval to publish the ACHSCP Annual Performance Report (APR) for 2023-2024 and to instruct the Chief Officer to present the report to Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian for their information.


The report recommended:-

that the Board:

(a)          note the performance that had been achieved in 2023-24, the second year of the Strategic Plan 2022-25;

(b)          approve the publication of the Annual Performance Report 2023-24 (as attached at Appendix A of the report) on the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) website; and

(c)          instruct the Chief Officer to present the approved Annual Performance Report to both Aberdeen City Council and NHS Grampian Board.


The Board resolved:-

(i)            to note that the Annual Performance Report was to be updated with national indicators when available;

(ii)        to approve the publication of the Annual Performance Report 2023-24 on the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (ACHSCP) website with the updates referred to at (i) above;

(iii)       to bring a condensed version of the APR to the IJB for information once developed; and

(iv)       to otherwise agree the recommendations.