Issue - meetings
Grant of a Licence for a House in Multiple Occupation -52 Albury Place
Meeting: 04/12/2024 - Licensing Committee (Item 12)
Short Term Let (Existing Operator) - 24E Esslemont Avenue (Late Objection)
to defer consideration of the application until the necessary upgrading works are completed, after which time the Chief Officer - Housing could grant or refuse the licence under delegated powers if appropriate.
The Committee had before it a report by the Private Sector Housing Manager, which advised that the application was before the Committee for the reason that a late letter of objection was submitted to the Private Sector Housing Team.
As a preliminary matter, Mrs Jocelyn Janssen, Private Sector Housing Manager advised that the late letter of objection had been received from Ms Olga Kondratiera, therefore the Committee required to consider whether it be accepted into the proceedings.
The Committee resolved:-
to refuse the late correspondence into the proceedings.
Mrs Janssen advised that the necessary upgrading works had still to be completed.
The Committee resolved:-
to defer consideration of the application until the necessary upgrading works are completed, after which time the Chief Officer - Housing could grant or refuse the licence under delegated powers if appropriate.