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Issue - meetings

Finance Position - HSCP.24.112

Meeting: 03/12/2024 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 5.1)

5.1 Finance Position - HSCP.24.112 pdf icon PDF 420 KB


(i)            to note the decision of the Integration Joint Board at its meeting on 19 November 2024 to approve a Budget Recovery Plan, the actions underway to implement the Recovery Plan, and the potential impact to performance;

(ii)          to note the recommendations made by External Audit in their Annual Audit Report 23/24 and the actions underway to address those recommendation; and

(iii)         to note that the Chief Finance Officer will report to the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee on 25 February 2025 with a further update on the Budget Recovery Plan, the Quarter 3 position, and progress towards addressing External Audit Recommendations.