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Issue - meetings

Annual Procurement Workplan 2025/2026

Meeting: 04/02/2025 - Integration Joint Board (Item 7.4)

7.4 Annual Procurement Workplan 2025/2026 - HSCP.25.008 pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Please note that there are exempt appendices contained within the Private Section of this agenda below.


(i)            to approve the direct award of a contract for a Care Home for people with alcohol and drug misuse problems for a period of five years, as detailed in Appendices A and C;

(ii)          to approve the extension for one year, of 23 National Care Home Contracts (NCHC) for residential services for older people, as detailed in Appendices A and D of the report;

(iii)         to approve the direct award of six contracts to Care Homes for adults with learning disabilities for a period of five years, as detailed in Appendices A and E of the report;

(iv)         to note the update to Individual Out of Area Placements at paragraph 4.6 of the report;

(v)          to note that the Directions would be amended to state report number HSCP.25.008 prior to issue; and

(vi)         to make the Directions, as attached at Appendices B1, B2, and B3 and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Directions to Aberdeen City Council.