Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions
Contact: Lynsey McBain, email or tel 01224 067344
No. | Item |
The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.
Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered.
Introduction and Procedure Note Minutes: The Forum had before it the procedure note and guidance for members on the operation of Forum meetings.
The Forum resolved:- to note the procedure note and guidance for members.
Minute of Previous Meeting of 15 May 2024 Minutes: The Forum had before it the minute of the previous meeting of 15 May 2024, for approval.
The Forum resolved:- to approve the minute as a correct record.
The Quad (formerly Craigievar House), Howe Moss Avenue, Aberdeen Planning Officer: Gavin Clark
Minutes: The Forum had before it a report by the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning, on the submission of a Proposal of Application by Ryden LLP on behalf of Arrowmere Capital 2 Ltd, for the proposed business and industrial development, comprising c7,500 sqm of class 5 and 6 uses with ancillary class 4 use and associated works at the Quad, Howe Moss Avenue Aberdeen, planning reference number 240991.
The report advised that in terms of the site description, the application site, which extended to just over 4 hectares, related to an area of designated business and industrial land on a mixed greenfield/ brownfield site located within and at the north western edge of the Kirkhill Industrial Estate. The site was most recently occupied as an office development with associated parking areas and other ancillary facilities, which had recently been demolished, and with the site now having been cleared. The site was relatively flat in nature, with the public road located to the rear of the site (north-west) sitting at a significantly higher level. The surrounding area was mixed in nature and included offices and business/ industrial units to the north (currently vacant), east and south and with areas of open space to the south. The area of land to the west included residential properties and areas of land which had been utilised as parking for the airport.
The proposed development comprised the redevelopment of the existing site for a 7500 sqm mixed use class 5 (general industrial) and class 6 (storage and distribution) facility with ancillary office accommodation (class 4) along with associated landscaping, parking facilities and other works.
The Forum heard from Mr Gavin Clark, Senior Planner, who addressed the Forum and provided details regarding the planning aspects of the application.
Mr Clark provided details on the relevant planning policies noting that the following policies were relevant to the proposed application in regards to the Local Development Plan (2023):- · WB2 (Air Quality) · WB3 (Noise) · NE4 (Our Water Environment) · D1 (Quality Placemaking) • D2 (Amenity) · D5 (Landscape Design) · R2 (Degraded and Contaminated Land) · R5 (Waste Management Requirements for New Development) · R6 (Low and Zero Carbon Buildings, and Water Efficiency) · I1 (Infrastructure Delivery and Planning Obligations) · T2 (Sustainable Transport) · T3 (Parking) • CI1 (Digital Infrastructure) · B1 (Business and Industrial Land) · B3 (Aberdeen Airport and Perwinnes Radar) · B6 (Pipelines, Major Hazards and Explosive Storage Sites)
In regards to National Planning Framework 4, the following policies were relevant:-
· Policy 1 (Tackling the climate and nature crises) · Policy 2 (Climate mitigation and adaptation) · Policy 3 (Biodiversity) · Policy 9 (Brownfield, vacant and derelict land and empty buildings) · Policy 12 (Zero waste) · Policy 13 (Sustainable transport) · Policy 14 (Design, quality and place) · Policy 20 (Green and blue infrastructure) · Policy 22 (Flood risk and water management) · Policy 26 (Business and industry)
It was noted that as part of the application, the applicant had been advised that the following information would need to accompany the formal submission:-
· Contaminated Land Risk Assessment (Desk Based Study) · Noise Impact ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |