Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions
Contact: Mark Masson, Email: or 01224 067556
No. | Item |
The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found here.
Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered. |
Determination of Exempt Business Minutes: The Convener proposed that the Committee consider item 14.1 (Proposed Sale of Land at Denwood/Hazlehead), item 15.1 (Work Plan and Business Cases - Exempt Appendices), item 15.2 (Ferryhill School Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case – Exempt Appendix), item 15.3 (St Machar Grounds Improvements: Outline Business Case – Exempt Appendix) and item 15.4 (Harlaw Academy Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case – Exempt Appendix) with the press and public excluded from the meeting.
The Committee resolved:- in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the above items so as to avoid disclosure of information of the classes described in the following paragraphs of Schedule 7(A) to the Act:- article 18 (paragraphs 6 and 9) articles 19, 20, 21 and 22 (paragraph 8). |
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements intimated. |
Minute of Previous Meeting of 13 March 2024 Minutes: The Committee had before it the minute of meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee of 13 March 2024.
The Committee resolved:- (i) to approve the minute, subject to the deletion of the wording ‘Council appointed’ at article 2(2) - Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements; and (ii) in relation to article 8 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund), to instruct the Chief Officer - City Development and Regeneration to email the Committee members information regarding the applicants which were unsuccessful with their bids. |
Minutes: The Committee had before it the Committee Business Planner prepared by the Interim Chief Officer - Governance.
The Committee resolved:- (i) to remove item 5 (Invest Aberdeen Update), item 6 (Events Plan) and item 55 (Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) Section 7) from the planner, for the reasons outlined therein and the explanation provided at the meeting; (ii) to note the reason for deferral in relation to item 8 (Title to be Confirmed - Report relating to Councillor Thomson's Motion), item 10 (Financial Settlement from Transport Scotland for the De-trunking of the A92/A96 (Haudagain Improvement) and item 13 (Disposal of Former Offices at 1 Queens Gardens); (iii) in relation to item 56 (Urban Park at Queen Street - Outline Business Case) and item 57 (Castlegate Refurbishment – Full Business Case), to instruct the Director of City Regeneration and Environment to update the Planner with timescales for submitting the reports to Committee; and (iv) to otherwise note the Committee Business Planner. |
Following the moving of the Joint Amendment:-
Councillor Cooke advised that he had a connection in relation to the following item by virtue of him being the Council appointed Chairperson of the Integrated Joint Board and that his father had died of Prostrate Cancer. Having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Greig advised that he had a connection in relation to the following item by virtue of him being a Council appointed member of the Integrated Joint Board and a member of the Great Western Community Trust. Having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Allard advised that he had a connection in relation to the following item by virtue of him being a Council appointed member of the Integrated Joint Board. Having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting. |
Council Financial Performance - Quarter 4, 2023/24 - CORS/24/138 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate Services, which provided details of the full year actual financial position of the Council against budget for the financial year 2023/24, including:- · General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) revenue and capital accounts; and · Common Good Revenue Account and Balance Sheet.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) note the unaudited final outturn position for financial year 2023/24 as detailed in Appendix 1; (b) note that the General Fund has recorded a balanced operational position for the year 2023/24. The uncommitted General Fund reserve remains in line with the approved Reserves Policy; (c) note that the Housing Revenue Account has recorded a deficit of £1.525m for the year, and this will have to be funded from the uncommitted HRA reserve; (d) note that the Common Good has recorded an operating surplus of £1.814m for the year, which is better than the approved use of cash reserves. After investment valuation changes and capital receipts are included, cash balances increased by £1.614m and remain in line with recommended levels; (e) approve the various transfers for 2023/24, between Council Reserves and Earmarked sums for the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, Common Good and Statutory Funds as of 31 March 2024, as detailed in Appendix 1; (f) approve the reprofiling of the 2024/25 – 2027/28 capital programmes to take account of the year end position and that the outcome of this is incorporated into the 2024/25 Quarter 1 reporting; and (g) note that the unaudited Annual Accounts for 2023/24 will be presented to Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee on 9 May 2024, including the Annual Governance Statement and Remuneration Report for the year.
The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:- that the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.
Councillor Brooks, seconded by Councillor Malik, moved as a joint amendment:- that the Committee – (1) note the available uncommitted funds in the General Revenue and Common Good as set out in (b) and (d) above; (2) note that on the 25th of April UCAN (Scottish Charity SC036638, and a company limited by guarantee with the Registrar of Companies as UCAN (Grampian), company number 286333) launched a second fundraising round to support the next chapter of its support for its ongoing provision of care for urological related cancers affecting those in in the NHS Grampian catchment area and further afield; (3) note that per the Scottish Public Health Observatory data, prostate cancer accounts for 22.6% of all cancers diagnosed in men and further that prostate cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer in men; (4) commend the work of the Staff and Volunteers of UCAN; (5) having considered the Public Sector Equality Duty, agree to commit in principle an amount of £250,000 from the retained, cash balances of the Common Good as at 31 March 2024, referred to in point 1 of this amendment; (6) instruct the Chief Officer - Finance to carry out due ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Grant Review - CR&E/24/126 Minutes: With reference to article 6(A) of the minute of meeting of Council of 1 March 2023, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of City Regeneration and Environment which provided details of a review of grants allocated in 2023-24 in relation to the 3 Tier Prevention Approach and sought approval of recommendations to enable future grant delivery.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) note a commentary of grants awarded by the Council in 2023-24 in relation to the 3 Tier Prevention Approach; and (b) instruct the Chief Officer – City Development and Regeneration, following consultation with the Chief Officer – Finance, Chief Officer – Governance and Chief Officer – People and Citizen Services, to undertake a full grant review and report back to the Finance and Resources Committee on 5 November 2024 with recommendations for future grant activity.
The Committee resolved:- (i) to approve the recommendations contained within the report; and (ii) to agree, for the avoidance of doubt, that the UK Shared Prosperity Fund would be contained within the full review, within the context of the three tiered approach. |
During discussion of the following item, the Vice Convener advised that he had a connection in relation to the following item by virtue of him being a Council appointed member of NHS Grampian Board. Having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting. |
UK Shared Prosperity Fund - CR&E/24/127 Additional documents: Minutes: With reference to article 8 of the minute of the previous meeting of 13 March 2024, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of City Regeneration and Environment which sought approval for the proposed allocation of grant funding of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
The report recommended:- that the Committee – UKSPF Communities & Place (a) award up to £91,078.58 to Aberdeen Performing Arts for the Repointing and Exterior Restorations at His Majesty’s Theatre project; (b) award up to £85,000 to Aberdeen City Council for Phase 2 of the Denis Law Trail, subject to final business case; (c) award up to £75,000 to Belmont Community Cinema for the Belmont Community Cinema project; (d) award up to £14,391.60 to Cairncry Community Centre for the Community Café Refurbishment project; (e) award up to £100,000 to Granite City Taekwondo for the Tillydrone Community Centre Upgrades project, on the condition that they receive permissions from ACC by 1st July 2024; (f) award up to £99,945 to SHMU for the Redevelopment to Station House project, on the condition of confirmation of match funding; (g) note that an additional 7 applications were received for the Communities and Place priority totalling £944,431.00 which were not recommended for approval; (h) note that if the above are approved then the Communities and Place priority is now fully allocated; and, as such (i) approve that any underspend which are returned from projects be reallocated to any other previously approved project supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund within the same priority, which may require additional resources, following consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of the Finance & Resources Committee; and UKSPF Local Business Support (j) award up to £40,000 to Aberdeen City Council for the Culture Aberdeen Network Coordination Service; UKSPF People & Skills (k) award up to £161,970 to ABZWorks for the Startup Accelerator Programme Project in partnership with Robert Gordon’s University; (l) award up to £133,887 to ABZWorks for the Sparking Change: Aberdeen Project in partnership with Aberdeen University; (m) note that if the above are approved then the People and Skills priority is now fully allocated; and, as such (n) approve that any underspend which are returned from projects be reallocated to any other previously approved project supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund within the same priority, which may require additional resources, following consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee.
The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:- that the Committee:- (1) approve the recommendations contained within the report; and (2) instruct the external funding team and estates team to support Cults Library to secure external funding in line with their timescales and instruct Chief Officer - City Development and Regeneration to provide an update by December 2024 to the Finance and Resources Committee.
Councillor Malik, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as an amendment:- that the Committee:- (1) note the contents of the report; (2) agree that the SNP Administration has been using the UK Shared Prosperity Fund ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Ferryhill School Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case - F&C/24/135 There is an exempt appendix in the Exempt Appendices Section below. Minutes: With reference to article 14 of the minute of meeting of the Education Operational Delivery Committee of 8 September 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Families and Communities which presented a completed Outline Business Case, setting out the findings of a recent feasibility study, to identify options for improving the suitability of Ferryhill School.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) approve in principle the recommended option within the outline business case at Appendix A, to refurbish and extend Ferryhill School and to provide a standalone nursery building, in line with the allocation of funding for this project within the Non-Housing Capital Programme, which was approved by Council on 6 March 2024; (b) approve the use of resources to take forwards detailed design development for the recommended option; and (c) instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to report back to the Committee with a full business case, within the next 12 months.
The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:- that the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.
Councillor Malik, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as an amendment:- that the Committee – (1) note in principle the recommended option within the outline business case at Appendix A, to refurbish and extend Ferryhill School and to provide a standalone nursery building, in line with the allocation of funding for this project within the Non-Housing Capital Programme, which was approved by Council on 6 March 2024; and (2) agree the report should be referred in full to the Education and Children Services Committee for a decision on whether it is in the best interests of our children’s education to relocate to Walker Road School in the short term.
On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Allard, Brooks, Cooke, Farquhar and Greig; for the amendment (2) – Councillors Malik and Watson.
The Committee resolved:- to adopt the motion. |
St Machar Grounds Improvements: Outline Business Case - F&C/24/134 There is an exempt appendix in the Exempt Appendices Section below. Minutes: With reference to article 14 of the minute of meeting of the Education Operational Delivery Committee of 8 September 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Families and Communities which presented a completed Outline Business Case, setting out the findings of a recent feasibility study, to identify options for improving the grounds at St Machar Academy.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) approve in principle the recommended option within the outline business case at Appendix A, to improve the outside environment at St Machar Academy, in line with the allocation of funding for this project within the Non-Housing Capital Programme, which was approved by Council on 6 March 2024; (b) approve the use of resources to take the improvements detailed in the preferred option; and (c) instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to report back to the Committee with a full business case, within the next 12 months.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations contained within the report. |
At this juncture, Councillor Malik advised that he had a connection in relation to the following item by virtue of him being a the Captain of Bon-Accord Cricket Club, which plays at Harlaw Playing Field. Having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting. |
Harlaw Academy Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case - CR&E/24/136 There is an exempt appendix in the Exempt Appendices Section below. Minutes: With reference to article 14 of the minute of meeting of the Education Operational Delivery Committee of 8 September 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Families and Communities which presented a completed Outline Business Case, setting out the findings of a recent feasibility study, to identify options for improving the suitability of Harlaw Academy.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) approve in principle the preferred option within the outline business case at Appendix A, to improve the suitability of the Harlaw Academy building, in line with the allocation of funding for this project within the Non-Housing Capital Programme, which was approved by Council on 6 March 2024; (b) approve the use of resources to take forwards detailed design development for the preferred option; (c) give delegated powers to the Chief Officer - Capital, to award a contract for the refurbishment and extension of the pavilion at Harlaw Road Playing Fields, provided the cost of the works does not exceed the approved overall budget for this aspect of the project; and (d) instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to report back to the Committee with a full business case within the next 12 months.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations contained within the report. |
A92 Murcar North – Active Travel Scheme Development - CR&E/24/129 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Director of City Regeneration and Environment which provided information on the outcomes of the Outline Business Case undertaken for the A92 Murcar North Active Travel scheme.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) approve the Outline Business Case (Appendix 1); (b) instruct the Chief Officer – Capital to progress all necessary procurements, approvals, permissions, licenses, agreements and consents required to develop and implement the project within its budget; (c) note that available funding through the AWPR Non-Motorised User Fund is sufficient to fund the elements identified in (b), with the exception of implementation; and (d) instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to seek additional external funding to allow the implementation of the project.
The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:- that the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.
Councillor Malik, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as an amendment:- that the Committee – (1) note the recommendations in the report; (2) agree the report highlights that Aberdeenshire Council residents will gain significant benefits from the proposed changes; (3) instruct the Chief Executive to write to Aberdeenshire Council asking them to contribute to the proposed works; and (4) agree that if the SNP are serious about this proposal, it should be in their Capital Plan which it is not, and that waiting until 2030 shows that the SNP are window dressing at best.
On a division, there voted:- for the motion (7) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Allard Brooks, Cooke, Farquhar and Greig; for the amendment (2) – Councillors Malik and Watson.
The Committee resolved:- to adopt the motion. |
Aberdeen eBike Hire Scheme - CR&E/24/132 Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Director of City Regeneration and Environment which provided an update on the current situation with regard to the existing bike hire scheme and sought approval to explore options around how a future scheme might operate.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) note that the existing bike hire scheme has ceased as a result of the pull-out of the operator, ShareBike, and the efforts of officers to continue the scheme under the existing contractual terms and conditions have been unsuccessful; (b) instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to formally terminate the existing bike hire contract; and (c) instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to explore options around how a future scheme might operate and report back findings to the Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee in September.
The Committee resolved:- (i) to approve the recommendations contained within the report; and (ii) to agree that Sharebike pulled out of the UK market due to problems attracting funding and as reported in the media, the bikes had suffered vandalism. |
International Travel - CR&E/24/159 Minutes: The Committee were advised that this report had been withdrawn. |
ABZWorks Employability Grant - CR&E/24/130 Minutes: With reference to article 15 of the minute of meeting of the City Growth and Resources Committee of 21 June 2022, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of City Regeneration and Environment which sought approval to fund a Learning and Development Facilitator at Bon Accord Care to develop and lead on the Holistic Opportunities Program which would provide bespoke, personalised 1-2-1 and small group peer support and qualifications for carers.
The report recommended:- that the Committee approve grant funding of £46,632 to Bon Accord Care to fund a Learning and Development Facilitator to develop and lead on the Holistic Opportunities Program.
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendation contained within the report. |
Marks & Spencer Building, St Nicholas Street - CR&E/24/157 Minutes: With reference to article 4 of the minute of meeting of the Council on 8 February 2024, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of City regeneration and Environment which provided an update on developments relating to the Marks and Spencer’s building on St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen following the announcement that it would close in 2025.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) note the progress that has been made to date; and (b) instruct the Interim Chief Officer - City Development and Regeneration to provide a Service Update on progress should any new information become known, or where any decision be required, bring a report to a future Finance and Resource Committee meeting.
The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:- that the Committee approve the recommendations contained within the report.
Councillor Malik, seconded by Councillor Watson, moved as an amendment:- that the Committee – (1) note the content of the report; (2) agree the decision by RBS to close its St Nicholas branch is another blow to Union Street; (3) agree that the previous administration's investment of £150m to support regeneration within the City Centre Masterplan including an Aberdeen Market was the right thing to do to help stimulate the City Centre; (4) agree that pedestrianisation is required if Union Street is to fully benefit from this huge investment; and (5) agree the Council as an adjoining landowner should be advised of progress with the sale and for this reason instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to note a formal interest in the properties, and undertake a high-level option appraisal on potential uses for the site be reported to the next committee. The cost of this being met from General Fund contingencies.
On a division, there voted:- for the motion (5) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Allard, Cooke and Greig; for the amendment (4) - Councillors Brooks, Farquhar, Malik and Watson.
The Committee resolved:- to adopt the motion. |
The Deeside Way and Proposed Inchgarth Retirement Village, Cults - F&C/24/133 Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Families and Communities which (1) provided details of a developer’s approach regarding the proposed development of Inchgarth Retirement Village, Cults and their requirement to obtain airspace over The Deeside Way to enable construction of a new bridge; and (2) advised that the bridge would form part of a new link road through the development connecting North Deeside Road and Inchgarth Road.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) approve the proposal to lease airspace rights over The Deeside Way to enable construction of a new bridge, subject to approval of its final technical design by the planning authority; (b) instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to agree Terms for the proposed lease of the airspace based on the final approved technical design of the bridge; and (c) instruct the Chief Officer – Governance to conclude an agreement for the lease of the airspace rights incorporating conditions necessary to protect the Council’s interest in accordance with the Terms agreed at (b).
The Committee resolved:- to approve the recommendations contained within the report. |
Work Plan and Business Cases - CORS/24/131 There are exempt appendices in the Exempt Appendices Section below. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Corporate services which presented procurement work plans where expenditure was included for the Corporate Services and Families and Communities Functions to Committee for review and sought approval of the total estimated expenditure for the proposed contracts as contained in the Procurement Business Cases appended to the report.
The Procurement Business Cases were for the following:- · Scottish Qualification Authority; · Seemis System; · Parent Booking System; · Parental Engagement Platform; · Transport for AGS & Harlaw; and · PEF Funded Contracts.
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) review the workplan as detailed in the Appendices for the Corporate Services and Families and Communities Functions; (b) approve the procurement business cases, including the total estimated expenditure for the proposed contract; (c) approve the estimated expenditure on framework agreements as detailed in the Corporate Services workplan; (d) note the content of Appendix 3 – Technical Exemption Approvals.
The Committee resolved:- (i) to approve the recommendations contained within the report; (ii) that the Chief Officer - Commercial & Procurement seek to clarify the position in terms of the framework agreement for the purchasing of Library Books and Educational Textbooks to determine whether it could be extended for Community Groups who may wish to purchase books, and that confirmation in this regard be emailed to members of the Committee; and (iii) that in relation to the PEF funded Business Case, specifically work being undertaken by external organisations on behalf of the Council, to note that the Director of Corporate Services would liaise with Education colleagues to clarify the position on whether there was a knowledge transfer and/or whether the work could be undertaken by Council employees, and that details in this regard would be circulated to Committee members. |
In accordance with the decision taken at Article 1 of this minute, the following items were considered with the press and public excluded. |
Proposed Sale of Land at Denwood/Hazlehead - F&C/24/137
Minutes: The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Families and Communities which provided details of a proposal received from the current tenant for them to purchase part of their leased area, this being a greenfield site located between Denwood and Hazlehead extending to 5.50 hectares (13.58 acres).
The report recommended:- that the Committee – (a) instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to accept the proposal in principle; and (b) instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to conclude missives for the sale of the property, incorporating various qualifications as are necessary to protect the Council’s interests, together with any other matters required to complete the transaction.
The Committee resolved:- to reject the proposed offer to purchase and reaffirms the environmental and community value of the land as a crucial part of the public green space of Denwood and Hazlehead. |
Work Plan and Business Cases - Exempt Appendices
Minutes: The Committee had before it exempt appendices relating to the Work Plan and Business cases report. (article 17 of this minute refers).
The Committee resolved:- to note the information contained within the exempt appendices. |
Ferryhill School Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case - Exempt Appendix
Minutes: The Committee had before it an exempt appendix relating to the Ferryhill School Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case report. (article 8 of this minute refers).
The Committee resolved:- to note the information contained within the exempt appendix. |
St Machar Grounds Improvements: Outline Business Case - Exempt Appendix
Minutes: The Committee had before it an exempt appendix relating to the St Machar Grounds Improvements: Outline Business Case report. (article 9 of this minute refers).
The Committee resolved:- to note the information contained within the exempt appendix. |
Harlaw Academy Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case - Exempt Appendix
Minutes: The Committee had before it an exempt appendix relating to the Harlaw Academy Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case report. (article 10 of this minute refers).
The Committee resolved:- to note the information contained within the exempt appendix. - COUNCILLOR ALEX MCLELLAN, Convener |