Agenda and decisions
Venue: Committee Room 2 - Town House. View directions
Contact: Emma Robertson, Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome from the Chair Decision: to note the Chair’s remarks. |
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements Members are requested to intimate any Declarations of Interest or Transparency Statements Decision: (i) to note that the Vice Chair advised that he had a connection in relation to all items on the agenda by virtue of being (1) a Member of the Diverse Experiences Advisory Panel, a named partner in the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Delivery Plan; (2) the Depute Representative of said Group to the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Leadership Board; (3) a Lived Experience representative on the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Leadership Board; (4) Co-Chair of the Scottish National Action Plan Leadership Board on Human Rights; and (5) Alternate Designate on the Human Rights Incorporation Oversight Board, however having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting; (ii) to note that the Vice Chair advised that he had a connection in relation to agenda item 4.5 (Draft Strategic Plan) due to his participation on a project with Dundee University investigating quantifying the prevalence of people living with chronic pain, however having applied the objective test, he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting for that item; and (iii) to note that Maggie Hepburn declared an interest in relation to agenda item 4.4 (Grant Funding for Voluntary Organisations) by reason of her employment as Chief Executive of ACVO and advised that she would therefore withdraw from the meeting for the duration of that item. |
Exempt Business Members are requested to determine that any exempt business be considered with the press and public excluded Decision: There was no exempt business. |
IJB Membership - HSCP.25.023 Decision: (i) to note the appointment, by Aberdeen City Council, of Councillor Malik as voting member of the Integration Joint Board; and (ii) to appoint Councillor Malik to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee. |
Annual Budget Report 2025/26 - HSCP.25.019 Additional documents: |
Medium Term Financial Forecast - HSCP.25.024 Decision: (i) to approve the draft Medium Term Financial Forecast; and (ii) to instruct the IJB Chief Finance Officer to refresh the Medium Term Financial Forecast following approval of the IJB Strategic Plan (2025-2029). |
Grant Funding for Voluntary Organisations - HSCP.25.021 Additional documents:
Decision: (i) to note the business case in Appendix A of the report; (ii) to approve the expenditure for the funding of voluntary organisations detailed at Appendix A of the report for a period of 12 months to 31 March 2026; (iii) to agree to no longer provide grant funding to Scottish Care; (iv) to amend the timescale of the direction to Aberdeen City Council in Appendix B to an end date of 31 March 2026; (v) to make the amended Direction and instruct the Chief Officer to issue that amended Direction to Aberdeen City Council; (vi) to instruct the Chief Officer to bring back a report on the future funding of grant funded services beyond 31 March 2026 to the meeting of the IJB on 2 December 2025; (vii) to instruct the Commissioning Lead to include qualitative feedback from service users as part of participant reviews in the Service Review at Appendix D of report HSCP.25.021 and to bring this back to the meeting of the IJB on 2 December 2025; and (viii) to instruct the Commissioning Lead to issue a Service Update no later than 31 July 2025 in respect of provision of all Counselling Services. |
Draft Strategic Plan - HSCP.25.020 Additional documents:
Decision: (i) to approve the draft ACHSCP Strategic Plan 2025-2029, the Evidence Document, and the Consultation and Engagement Plan as detailed in appendices A to C of the report; (ii) to instruct the Chief Officer to consult with the public including academics linked to the Health Determinants Research Collaboration, on the draft commencing 24 March 2025 and ending 14 May 2025 (in time for report preparation for the IJB meeting on 1st July 2025); (iii) to note that the consultation would be undertaken jointly with Aberdeen City Council’s Local Housing Strategy, Community Learning and Development Plan and Local Development Plan; (iv) to instruct the Chief Officer to update the draft IJB Strategic Plan 2025-2029 following feedback and comments received from the consultation process and present the proposed final version to the IJB meeting on 1July 2025 for approval; (v) to instruct the Chief Officer to also present the first Annual Delivery Plan of the Strategic Plan 2025-2029 to the IJB meeting on 1 July 2025 for approval; and (vi) to note that the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) was underway, was being informed by engagement and consultation, and would be presented along with the final Strategic Plan. |
Local Housing Contribution Statement - HSCP.25.022 Additional documents: Decision: (i) to note the content of both the draft Housing Contribution Statement and draft Local Housing Strategy and the links between those and the IJB Strategic Plan; (ii) to note that the final Housing Contribution Statement would be informed by feedback from the consultation on both the IJB Strategic Plan and the Local Housing Strategy; and (iii) to instruct the Chief Officer to update the draft Housing Contribution Statement following feedback and comments received from the consultation on both the IJB Strategic Plan and the Local housing Strategy and present the proposed final version to the IJB meeting on 1 July 2025 for approval. |
Exempt Business Decision: There was no exempt business. |