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Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee

This page lists the meetings for Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee.


Information about Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee

Please note agendas are retained online indefinitely.  To watch webcasts of this committee, please use this link



To monitor and determine the Council’s contribution to alleviating and mitigating all forms of poverty and inequality in the city.


The Committee will develop an Anti-Poverty Strategy.



1.           The Committee will, in respect of poverty and inequality issues in the city:

1.1         Consider the impact of poverty on the city as a whole and targeted population levels, including on key groups such as children, minority ethnic communities and those of pensionable age who are known to be particularly disadvantaged by poverty;

1.2         Consider the evidence from Citizen’s Assemblies on poverty and inequality matters;

1.3         Seek the views and involvement of those experiencing poverty and inequality;

1.4         Consider the effect of In-work Poverty and the Living Wage, including by receiving reports on Living Wage accreditation rates;

1.5         Consider evidence of “what’s worked” in combating poverty and inequality;

1.6         Consider the impact of ongoing Welfare Reform measures, including by receiving reports on benefit access and uptake;

1.7         Consider the impact of poverty on Employability and Youth Employment, including by receiving reports on employment rates and positive destinations;

1.8         Consider the impact of Food Insecurity and Fuel Poverty, including by receiving reports on community food provision and energy cost impacts;

1.9         Consider the impact of stigma and discrimination on those experiencing poverty;

1.10       Consider the impact of poverty on the health and wellbeing of those experiencing it;

1.11       Monitor the progress of research relevant to poverty and inequality, including in relation to health determinants;

1.12       Consider matters relating to the provision of Credit Unions, fair and affordable banking and advice services;

1.13       Examine the nature of institutional and systemic discrimination in Aberdeen, and consider the steps required to eradicate such discrimination;

1.14       Monitor the performance of Council-funded community programmes and projects which seek to address poverty or inequality.


2. The Committee will:

2.1         agree the submission of Child Poverty Action Plans and Reports to the Scottish Government;

2.2         agree the submission of the Council’s Equalities Mainstreaming Outcomes Reports to the Scottish Government; and

2.3         monitor the Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and the Department for Work and Pensions through receipt of an annual report.


External advisers:

Emphasising the close links with Community Planning Aberdeen’s Anti-Poverty Group, the Committee will appoint advisers who are not members of the Council. These external advisers will be appointed by the Committee as follows:

1 resident of Aberdeen with lived experience of poverty;

Up to 2 people representing the charitable sector in Aberdeen;

1 person representing higher and further education in Aberdeen;

1 person representing key interest groups in Aberdeen (that may be appointed for a

defined period of time); and

1 public health professional/practitioner who works in Aberdeen.