Agenda item
Review of Community Council Governance - COM/23/231
The Council had before it a report by the Director of Commissioning which presented the Revised Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils including boundary changes for some Community Council areas, and which sought approval for the documents to be issued for public consultation.
The report recommended:-
that the Council -
(a) note the revisions to the Scheme and guidance documents as set out in Appendices 2 and 3;
(b) note that Danestone and Woodside and Hilton Community Councils support the boundary change outlined at section 3.4 of the report and shown in the map at Appendix 4;
(c) note the proposed boundary changes for Community Councils as outlined in Appendix 5;
(d) instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to issue a public notice inviting members of the public to comment on the Scheme and associated documents; and
(e) note that a report providing the outcome of the public consultation and requesting approval of the amended Scheme and boundaries would be submitted to Council in December 2023.
The Council resolved:-
to approve the recommendations.
Supporting documents:
- ReviewCCGov - Report 230823, item 2. PDF 231 KB
- Appendix 1 - Reporting Timetable for Scheme 2023-24, item 2. PDF 103 KB
- Appendix 2 - SchemeforEstablishment2024-draft, item 2. PDF 600 KB
- Appendix 3 cover, item 2. PDF 92 KB
- Guidance 2-Constitution, item 2. PDF 281 KB
- Guidance 3 -Standing Orders, item 2. PDF 200 KB
- Guidance 4-ExchangeofInformationCode, item 2. PDF 192 KB
- Guidance 5-CodeofConduct, item 2. PDF 239 KB
- Guidance 6-UnacceptableBehaviour, item 2. PDF 217 KB
- Guidance 7-CC Complaints Procedure, item 2. PDF 266 KB
- Guidance 8-SupportedStatus, item 2. PDF 126 KB
- Appendix 4 cover, item 2. PDF 88 KB
- Map1-CC-Boundary-Changes-Danestone-Woodside, item 2. PDF 530 KB
- Map2-CC-Boundary-Changes-Woodside-Danestone, item 2. PDF 626 KB
- Appendix 5 cover, item 2. PDF 94 KB
- Boundary Proposals, item 2. PDF 210 KB
- Map3-CC-Boundary-Proposal-Bucksburn-Dyce, item 2. PDF 483 KB
- Map4-CC-Boundary-Changes-Rosehill-Rosemount-Woodside-v2, item 2. PDF 622 KB
- Map5-CC-Boundary-Changes-Kincorth-Leggart-Nigg, item 2. PDF 539 KB
- Map6-CC-Boundary-Proposal-Torry-Nigg-Kincorth, item 2. PDF 599 KB