Agenda item
RAAC Funding Update - May 2024 - F&C 24/154
- Meeting of Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee, Thursday, 30th May, 2024 10.00 am (Item 6.)
- View the background to item 6.
With reference to article 2 of the minute of the meeting of 28 March 2024, the Committee had before it a report by the Chief Officers – Housing, Corporate Landlord and Capital, which provided an update in relation to Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) roofed properties at Balnagask, and the progress on the engagement activity undertaken with residents.
The report also acknowledged that there were no obvious funding solutions to address mitigations to the RAAC risk in privately owned properties, the cost and financial implications of which would develop as the Options Appraisal to mitigate the RAAC risk for the affected properties progressed.
The Committee then heard from the Chief Officer – Housing, Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord and Chief Officer - Capital who provided a verbal update to the Committee.
Jacqui McKenzie, Chief Officer – Housing, explained that they were currently engaging with the Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership as well as the Red Cross and were looking to see what other support people required, including support for mental health.
Mrs McKenzie outlined that they understood and recognised the challenges individuals were facing by being re-housed, noting that safety was really important for everyone involved. Mrs McKenzie also advised that
· A dedicated Housing and Support Team, supported by the Education Department and the Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership had been set up
· A leaflet had been produced for private owners;
· Families/individuals had been supported on a 1 2 1 basis to understand their needs;
· Meetings had been organised with private tenants and owners to discuss their individual options
· There had been signposting to Mental Health and Wellbeing support
· Online FAQ’s had been frequently reviewed and updated
· A briefing for Torry Community Council had been organised and ongoing schedule of engagement agreed.
It was noted that as of 29 May 2024, 293 offers had been generated and 26 of these were with registered social landlords. 70 offers had been accepted and there was an increase in the number of offers refused due to the area and housing type.
Mrs McKenzie also explained that the Housing & Support Officer advised individuals of their entitlement to a disturbance payment and home loss payment at the time the tenants confirmed they were accepting the offer and the lease signing was arranged.
The Committee then heard from John Wilson, Chief Officer – Capital who explained that they were potentially looking at four options:-
Option 1 – bearing distance extension
Option 2 – install passive fail-safe support
Option 3 - RAAC roof replacement
Option 4 – demolition
Mr Wilson advised that there were 366 Council properties affected, 138 privately owned properties and 27 privately leased, all affected by RAAC.
In terms of progress, the following was noted.
· The indicative cost of the options for remedial works/demolition would be presented when the appraisal work was completed;
· Officers were seeking indicative quotes from several contractors;
· The expected cost for each option would be significant;
· The Council did not have an obligation to meet these costs for private owners; and
· Approaches had been made to both the UK and Scottish Governments for financial assistance.
The Committee then asked a number of questions in regards to the update provided.
The report recommended:-
that the Committee –
(a) note that approaches had been made to both the Scottish and UK Governments and their responses are included in Appendices 3 and 4;
(b) note that the Chief Officers – Corporate Landlord, Housing and Capital would continue dialogue with both Governments as the Options Appraisal for the affected properties progresses; and
(c) note that the Options Appraisal to be reported to Council on 21 August 2024 would include consideration of the impact of any preferred option on private owners including the financial impact on them.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to note that Cllr Miranda Radley, Convener of Housing, Communities and Public Protection had written to both the Scottish Government and UK Government to seek assistance;
(ii) to instruct the Chief Executive to write to both the Scottish Government and UK Government reiterating the points raised by the Convener to seek assistance to ease the burden from the Housing Revenue Account and/or the General Revenue Account;
(iii) to agree any Option Appraisal must include the consideration of options available to support private owners, including the potential of compulsory purchase orders and their implications;
(iv) to explore availability of Council stock within Torry and Balnagask area and ask the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to consider whether Council buy back policy may be a vehicle that could be considered to support the rehoming programme where there was a need;
(v) to instruct the Chief Officer – Housing to recirculate information on the options available to Council tenants when relocating, including support available from the Council towards relocation costs;
(vi) to instruct the Chief Officer – Housing to continue their engagement with the Health and Social Care Partnership and Third Sector Organisations to explore opportunities to widen mental health and wellbeing support for the community;
(vii) to request that the Chief Officer – Housing, (1) explore the possibility of responding in writing to tenants/home owners following meetings with what was discussed and (2) make paper copies of the information leaflet which was produced available to private owners; and
(viii) to request that the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord, circulate to members by way of email, available areas of green space in the Torry area for residents.
Supporting documents:
CHPP RAAC funding Report final, item 6.
PDF 410 KB
Appendix 1, item 6.
Appendix 2, item 6.
PDF 157 KB
Appendix 3, item 6.
PDF 104 KB
Appendix 4, item 6.
PDF 111 KB