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Agenda item

Application for Provisional Premises Licence - Max Convenience, 6 Clunie Place, Aberdeen


The Board heard from Sandy Munro, Depute Clerk to the Board that there had been representation from the LSO and 6 objections from members of the public.

The Board thereafter heard from Karen Gatherum, Solicitor for the applicant, in support of the application. The Board further heard from Karen Gatherum, that although the applicant store had received a fixed penalty notice for selling vapes without verifying proof of age, the staff have now undergone extensive training and a Challenge 25 policy has been implemented. This policy will also apply to the sale of tobacco and alcohol to prevent such issues from recurring.

The LSO spoke to their representation and two of the public objectors, Mr Arumugam Vijendiran Sanjay and Mr John MacLeod spoke to their objections. The other four public objectors were absent.

The Board thereafter called on Karen Gatherum, Solicitor for the applicant to address the representation of the LSO and the public objections which included matters relating to preventing crime and disorder, preventing public nuisance and protecting children and young persons from harm.


The Convener moved to grant the application, noting that it is for a provisional licence and that the LSO will work with the applicant to ensure compliance with the licensing policy and objectives.

Councillor Crocket moved as an amendment to refuse the application on grounds that it was incompatible with the licensing objectives of preventing crime and disorder, preventing public nuisance and protecting children and young persons from harm.


On a division there voted:-

For the Motion (2) the Convener and Councillor Greig

For the amendment (3) Councillors Al-Samarai, Crockett and Cameron. 

Councillor Fairfull arrived partway through the item and so could not take part in the vote.


The Board resolved:

To adopt the amendment.


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