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Agenda item

Citizens' Assemblies - CORS/24/150


The Committee had before it a report prepared by the Locality Manager presenting a proposal for delivering a citizens’ assembly approach on

poverty and gender inequality.  The Legal Adviser spoke to the report.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee:

(a)          approve the proposal outlined in the report for delivering a citizens’ assembly approach on poverty and gender inequality; and

(a)          instruct the Executive Director of Corporate Services to, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Regulations, commission the Scottish Women’s Budget Group to deliver the proposal.


The Convener moved, seconded by Councillor Hutchison:-

that the Committee approve the recommendations.


Councillor Tissera, seconded by Councillor Watson moved as an amendment:-

that the Committee:

(1)          agree that a Citizens’ Assembly is a waste of public resources given Aberdeen City Council has Aberdeen City Voice a panel of Aberdeen City residents who have agreed to give their views on a range of issues;

(2)          note the Council contacts panellists and asks them to complete at least two questionnaire surveys a year. The questionnaires cover a wide range of topics and issues that affect our community;

(3)          agree engagement with citizens should continue through Aberdeen City Voice Panel which supports a recruitment campaign to attract underrepresented groups such as those living in SIMD areas minority ethnic and young people in order to bring about positive change;

(4)          agree as part of Aberdeen City Voice there is already an Anti-Poverty Outcome Improvement Group which is responsible for actions under Stretch Outcome 1 which supports the delivery of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan and underpinning locality plans;

(5)          agree that if the SNP move forward with the Citizens’ Assembly, they are undermining Community Planning Aberdeen and the volunteers from the city that partake in Aberdeen City Voice; and

(6)          agree the money being spent on bringing forward Citizens Assemblies should be diverted to Abernecessities in order for them to allocate the monies towards winter clothing for School children, noting the positive benefits of doing this regarding the objectives of the Anti-Povertyand Inequality Committee. 


Councillor Kusznir, seconded by Councillor Brooks, moved as a further amendment:-

that the Committee:

(1)          note progress on plans to facilitate Citizens’ Assemblies on Poverty and Inequality;

(2)          instruct that no further work on Citizens’ Assemblies is undertaken in light of the complexity, costs and risks regarding the effectiveness of Citizens’ Assemblies; and

(3)          request that the Finance and Resources Committee reallocate any funds previously committed to Citizens Assemblies to increasing available crisis grants.


There being a motion and two amendments, the Committee first divided between the amendment by Councillor Tissera and the amendment by Councillor Kusznir.


On a division, there voted:-

For the amendment by Councillor Tissera (2) – Councillors Tissera and Watson.


For the amendment by Councillor Kusznir (2) – Councillors Brooks and Kusznir.


Declined to vote (5) – Convener, and Councillors Davidson, Henrickson, Hutchison and Yuill.


In accordance with Standing Order 32.7, the Convener exercised his casting vote in favour of the amendment by Councillor Kusznir.


The Committee then divided between the motion and the amendment by Councillor Kusznir.


On a division, there voted:-


For the motion (5) – Convener, and Councillors Davidson, Henrickson, Hutchison and Yuill.


For the amendment by Councillor Kusznir (4) -  Councillors Brooks, Kusznir, Tissera and Watson.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the motion.


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