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Agenda item

Notice of Motion - Councillor McLeod

That Committee:-

1.       notes the number of privately educated children at independent schools in Aberdeen. The latest estimate is approximately 2530;

2.       notes the number of state secondary schools in Aberdeen that are at full capacity is 2;

3.       notes the number of state secondary schools in Aberdeen at 90 – 100% capacity is 4;

4.       notes the policy of the UK Labour government to apply VAT on private school fees;

5.       notes the report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies that, as a result of this, between 3% and 7% of privately educated children may be forced to leave and look for places in state schools.  If this figure is correct then that equates to between 75 and 175 pupils looking to be placed in Aberdeen schools; and

6.       instructs the Executive Director Families and Communities to bring back a report within one cycle about any arrangements regarding these placements and an analysis of the impact of this Labour policy.


The Committee had before it a Notice of Motion by Councillor McLeod in the following terms:-


That Committee:-


(a)      note the number of privately educated children at independent schools in Aberdeen. The latest estimate was approximately 2530;

(b)      note the number of state secondary schools in Aberdeen that were at full capacity was 2;

(c)      note the number of state secondary schools in Aberdeen at 90 – 100% capacity was 4;

(d)      note the policy of the UK Labour Government to apply VAT on private school fees;

(e)      note the report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies that, as a result of this, between 3% and 7% of privately educated children may be forced to leave and look for places in state schools. If this figure was correct then that equated to between 75 and 175 pupils looking to be placed in Aberdeen schools; and

(f)       instructs the Executive Director Families and Communities to bring back a report within one cycle about any arrangements regarding these placements and an analysis of the impact of this Labour policy.


Councillor McLeod, seconded by Councillor Brooks, moved the Notice of Motion.


Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Grant, moved as an amendment:-


That the Committee:-


(a)      agree the majority of parents/guardians in Aberdeen chose to ensure their children were educated by the local authority;

(b)      agree Aberdeen City Council was extremely competent in delivering education throughout the city, thanks to the dedicated staff who are employed within our schools;

(c)      agree that the UK Labour Government’s decision to apply VAT on private schools should bring an estimated £150 million in Barnett consequentials to the Scottish Government which could result in employing 1800 new teachers across Scotland;

(d)      note the position of the First Minister John Swinney who said that the SNP supported the policy to introduce VAT on private independent schools; and

(e)      agree to take no action in respect to this motion.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved as a further amendment:-


That the Committee:-


(a)      note that the Education service regularly met independent school Head Teachers where there was sharing of information on pupil numbers; and encourage continuation of this engagement;

(b)      appreciate the anxiety caused to schools and families in the city by the proposal to introduce VAT on Independent school fees;

(c)      note that the proposed legislation on VAT on independent school fees was likely to impact more on primary than secondary schools and that there was more flexibility in Council primary school capacities;

(d)      note that there was discussion and analysis of impact on local authorities of the proposed legislation at Scottish national level and that the impact of independent school sector contracting had so far resulted in marginal consequences on the local authority sector and encourage continuation of this engagement;

(e)      note that there was ongoing tracking of placing requests of pupils coming from the independent sector; and

(f)       instruct the Chief Officer – Education and Lifelong Learning to prepare a service update to respond to the motion.


In terms of Standing Order 29.21, the first vote was taken between the Notice of Motion by Councillor McLeod and the amendment by Councillor Blake.


On a division, there voted:- for the Notice of Motion (3) – Councillors Brooks, McLeod and Mrs Stewart; for the amendment by Councillor Blake (4) – Councillors Blake and Grant; Ms Barclay and Mr Regmi; declined to vote (13) – the Convener; the Vice Convener; Councillors Allard, Hazel Cameron, Delaney, Hutchison, MacGregor and Radley; and Mr Haywood, Ms Munro, Dr Murray, Mr Murray and Mrs Smith.


In terms of Standing Order 29.21.1, the Committee therefore moved to the next item of business.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the amendment by Councillor Blake.