Agenda item
Denominational Primary Schools - Feasibility Study - Education and Children's Services Committee of 17 September 2024
With reference to Article 13 of the minute of meeting of the Education and Children’s Services Committee of 17 September 2024, the Council had before it a report by the Executive Director Families and Communities, which had been referred to it by seven members of the Committee in accordance with Standing Order 34.1, and which provided a summary of the outcomes of a recent feasibility study to assess the options for the long term future of denominational primary school provision in the city, and sought approval of the next steps. The report also detailed the findings of a stakeholder engagement exercise carried out to support the feasibility study.
The report recommended:-
that the Education and Children’s Services Committee note the contents of the report, and instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to continue to monitor forecast pupil numbers for the three denominational primary schools, and to include recommendations in next year’s annual school estate plan update report on any required actions to be taken to ensure that the city’s denominational primary school provision continued to be appropriate to meet the expected demand for pupil places.
At this juncture, Councillor Greig advised that he had a connection in relation to the item as an elder and reader with the Church of Scotland, however having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Mrs Stewart advised that she had a connection in relation to the item as a practicing Roman Catholic, however having applied the objective test she did not consider that she had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Alphonse advised that she had a connection in relation to the item as a member of St Machar Cathedral and as a practicing member of the Church of Scotland, however having applied the objective test she did not consider that she had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Yuill advised that he had a connection in relation to the item as he was baptised as a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church, he then attended Church of Scotland Sunday School and attended mass with his daughter who was Catholic, and she was educated at Catholic primary and secondary schools, however having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Cooke advised that he had a connection in relation to the item as a practicing Episcopalian, however having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
Councillor Greig moved, seconded by Councillor Mennie:-
That the Council approve the recommendation contained within the report.
Councillor Blake moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor McLeod:-
That the Council -
(a) notes the content of the report;
(b) regrets the lack of a proper and open consultation with all the people of Aberdeen on the possibility of establishing a Catholic Secondary School in Aberdeen;
(c) welcomes the pause in recommending any changes to the Roman Catholic school estate;
(d) instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to establish a working group consisting of representatives from Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, representatives from the Catholic Church, parent representatives and staff representatives. This group would work in a spirit of co-operation and partnership to explore what is an appropriate level of provision of Catholic schools in the city and produce a costed plan as to how this level of provision might be realised;
(e) instructs the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to continue to monitor pupil numbers at all three primary schools and report back on this and the findings of the above working group to the Education and Children’s Services Committee in September 2025;
(f) decides to take the opportunity provided by this pause to instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to engage with all the people of Aberdeen on the possibility of establishing a Catholic secondary school in the city; and
(g) agrees that the pause proposed in the paper will in no way delay the urgently needed work to provide for the refurbishment of St. Peter’s School.
During the course of seconding the amendment, Councillor McLeod advised that he had a connection in relation to the item as he was born and brought up in Glasgow, which he believed was one of the most sectarian cities in the country, and that he was a member of the Church of Scotland, however having applied the objective test he did not consider that he had an interest and would not be withdrawing from the meeting.
On a division, there voted:-
For the motion (24) - Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Al-Samarai, Allard, Alphonse, Bouse, Hazel Cameron, Clark, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Davidson, Fairfull, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, McLellan, McRae, Mennie, Nicoll, Radley, van Sweeden and Yuill.
For the amendment (18) - Councillors Ali, Blake, Bonsell, Brooks, Crockett, Cross, Graham, Grant, Houghton, Kusznir, Lawrence, Macdonald, McLeod, Malik, Mrs Stewart, Tissera, Thomson and Watson.
Absent from the division (2) - Councillors Boulton and Massey.
The Council resolved:-
(i) to adopt the motion; and
(ii) to note that the Executive Director - Corporate Services would work with colleagues to look at whether the budget consultation platform could be used for other consultations.
In terms of Standing Order 32.8, Councillors Ali, Blake, Bonsell, Brooks, Crockett, Cross, Grant, Houghton, Lawrence, Malik, Mrs Stewart, Thomson, Tissera and Watson intimated their dissent against the foregoing decision.
Councillor Radley moved as a procedural motion, seconded by Councillor Greig:-
That the Council suspend Standing Order 40.2 to enable the meeting to continue beyond six hours upon the conclusion of the Special Council meeting.
On a division, there voted:-
For the procedural motion (24) - Lord Provost; Depute Provost; and Councillors Al-Samarai, Allard, Alphonse, Bouse, Hazel Cameron, Clark, Cooke, Copland, Cormie, Davidson, Fairfull, Greig, Henrickson, Hutchison, MacGregor, McLellan, McRae, Mennie, Nicoll, Radley, van Sweeden and Yuill.
Against the procedural motion (18) - Councillors Ali, Blake, Bonsell, Brooks, Crockett, Cross, Graham, Grant, Houghton, Kusznir, Lawrence, Macdonald, McLeod, Malik, Mrs Stewart, Tissera, Thomson and Watson.
Absent from the division (2) - Councillors Boulton and Massey.
The Council resolved:-
to reject the procedural motion as it failed to attract the necessary two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote in terms of Standing Order 41.1.
The Lord Provost advised that the meeting was being adjourned in terms of Standing Order 40.3 and that the remainder of the business would be considered at a future date which would be confirmed in due course.
- DAVID CAMERON, Lord Provost.
Supporting documents:
ECS referral to Council - Denominational Schools, item 8.
PDF 197 KB
FinalDraft_DenomSchools_Sept241, item 8.
PDF 301 KB
APPENDIX A_DenomSchools_Sept24, item 8.
PDF 322 KB
Votes, item 8.
PDF 183 KB