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Agenda item

Alternative Delivery Model - Corporate Governance Service (CG/12/029)


Reference was made to article 5 of the minute of the Budget meeting of Council at which time the Director had been instructed to report back to this Committee detailing progress to date on the Corporate Governance Service Alternative Delivery Model (ADM), and whether this project should be progressed. The Committee had before it on this day, a report by the Director of Corporate Governance which set out the current position in relation to the Corporate Governance Service ADM, and presented a way forward, in the form of the proposed ‘Internal Corporate Governance Transformation Project’.


With reference to article 2 of this minute, the Convener invited Karen Davidson, Secretary of Unison, to address the Committee.


Mrs Davidson (1) welcomed the recommendation to end the Alternative Delivery Model project; (2) queried as to why it was suggested within the report that a preferred option would be presented to Committee regarding the external support required, rather than an options appraisal of what external support may be required and sound justification for this; (3) raised concerns at the proposed Internal Corporate Governance Transformation Project being based on a commitment to external support; and (4) suggested that no new project should be initiated until a point whereby members had all of the relevant information before them.


Members asked a number of questions of Mrs Davidson, and the Convener thanked her for her contribution.


The report recommended –

that the Committee –

(a)       authorises the Director of Corporate Governance to reorientate the ADM project to the Internal Corporate Governance Transformation Project, predicated on a commitment to investment and external support which will be the subject of a future business case to be brought back to committee;

(b)       authorises the Director of Corporate Governance to terminate the existing procurement process without a contract award; and

(c)        approves the saving of £782,000 for 2012/13 from the Corporate Governance Service to be met from vacancy management to ensure a balanced budget.


Councillor John Stewart, seconded by Councillor Malone, moved –

that the Committee instructs that a detailed options appraisal be produced for members, to include all benefits and risks of the ADM project and the internal transformation proposals, particularly addressing (1) financial benefit to the Council; (2) impact on jobs; (3) implications for workload of staff; (4) investment in Council infrastructure and systems; and (5) broader benefit to the city, before any decision is taken on this matter.


Councillor Noble, seconded by Councillor Crockett, moved as an

that the Committee –

(i)         instructs the Director of Corporate Governance to terminate the procurement process without a contract award;

(ii)        approves the saving of £782,000 for 2012/13 from the Corporate Governance Service to be met from vacancy management to ensure a balanced budget; and

(iii)       instructs the Director of Corporate Governance to consult with the relevant Trades Unions and the wider workforce seeking their views on the future direction of the service, and report back to this committee with options for how future years’ savings can be achieved in absence of the ADM project.


On a division, there voted: for the motion (6) – the Convener; and Councillors Cormack, Farquharson, Fletcher, Malone and John Stewart; for the amendment (9) – the Vice Convener; and Councillors Corall, Crockett, Graham, Kiddie, Laing, McCaig, Wendy Stuart and West.


The Committee resolved:

to approve the successful amendment.