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Agenda item

Community Centres - Current Issues (ECS/12/059)


With reference to article 7 of the minute of its previous meeting of 20 September, 2012, and article 10 of this minute, the Committee had before it a report by the Acting Director of Education, Culture and Sport which advised members on a number of operational issues in relation to a number of community centres.


The report recommended:

that the Committee –

(a)       instructs officers to work with the existing Woodside community centre management committee to strengthen their capacity, or if there is no evidence of any management committee at this location, to put in place support to develop a new management committee which can input into the development of the programme within the community wing of Woodside Fountain Centre;

(b)       agrees that due to the multiple occupancy of the building, the community wing of Woodside Fountain Centre, Woodside community centre, will not transfer to the new leased centre model, but will revert to the responsibility of the Council, with a local management committee inputting into the programming of the community wing within the building;

(c)        agrees that the management committees connected to the Woodside community centre will be provided with a grant of £625 per year, for the purpose of purchasing indemnity insurance, and public liability and employers insurances;

(d)       instructs officers to consult with the management committees for Cummings Park community centre and Henry Rae community centre on a proposal to merge these two community centres, and report back to this committee on the outcome of the consultation; and

(e)       declares Woodside Burgh Hall surplus to the requirements of the Education, Culture and Sport Service.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved:

            that the report’s recommendations be approved.


Councillor Townson, seconded by Councillor McCaig, moved as an amendment:

            that the Committee: 

(1)       instructs officers to work with the existing Woodside community centre management committee and fully support them in transition to the new leased model status;

(2)       recognises the successful multiple occupancy of the Woodside Fountain Centre and the value of the Woodside community centre management committee maximising usage of the majority of the floor space in the building and voluntarily running with great enthusiasm and commitment, an extensive programme such committee being the mainstay of the general running of the building;

(3)       instructs officers to expedite Woodside community centre management committee applying for full development grant entitlement to ensure continuation of such great voluntary works;

(4)       in respect of Cumming Park community centre and Henry Rae community centre, in the light of serious failings at both centres, to instruct officers to support volunteers to rebuild their confidence and the capacity of such volunteers to continue to operate as leased community centres as separate entities serving their respective communities at their existing locations;

(5)       to declare Woodside Burgh Hall surplus to the requirements of the Education, Culture and Sport Service.


On a division, the votes cast were as follows: for the motion (14) – the Convener, the Vice Convener, and Councillors Boulton, Cooney Lesley Dunbar, Lawrence, Jean Morrison, Taylor and Young, Mr Maclean, Reverend McKenna, Mr Nicoll, Mrs Tree and Mrs Wischik; for the amendment (6) – Councillors Cameron, Greig, McCaig, Noble, Samarai and Townson; absent from the division (6) – Councillors Grant, Jaffrey, May and Stewart, Mr Duncan and Mr Paul.


The Committee resolved

to approve the successful motion.