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Agenda item

Notification of Public Procession - Scottish Defence League - 29 June 2013

Additional papers are circulated. For ease of reference all papers have been included within this circulation.


The Committee had before it (1) a notification of public procession from Graham Walker, on behalf of Scottish Defence League; (2) a risk assessment form in that regard, completed by the organiser; (3) a response from Police Scotland in relation to the notification; (4) correspondence from Kenny Luke, City Events Team, Aberdeen City Council outlining a number of concerns relating to the notification; (5) a letter of representation from Ferryhill and Ruthrieston Community Council in relation to the notification; (6) correspondence from Colin Thomson, Roadworks Coordination, Aberdeen City Council in relation to the notification; (7) a letter of representation from Brian Carroll, President of Aberdeen Trades Union Council in relation to the notification; and (8) a letter of representation from Mike McConnell, University and College Union.


Within the notification, it was proposed that the procession would be held on 29 June 2013, at 2.00pm commencing from Crown Street to St Johns Place.


The organiser was not in attendance.


The Committee heard Eric Anderson, Senior Solicitor, Litigation and Licensing advise that a further letter of representation had been received only the day before the meeting, however attempts to contact the individual proved unsuccessful.  The Committee agreed not to accept the letter of representation for consideration on the basis that the organiser had not had the opportunity of seeing it.


The Committee then heard from Daniel Parrott, Senior Events Officer, Aberdeen City Council who indicated that he had attempted to meet with the organiser on three occasions to discuss the issues and concerns in relation to the proposed public procession, although the organiser did not or could not attend any of them.


The Committee heard from Inspector David Paterson, Police Scotland who raised, various concerns regarding public safety, public disorder and/or disruption to life in the community.  He also made reference to the lack of engagement with the organiser to discuss the issues of concern and the excessive pressures which would be placed on police resources if the event were to take place.


The Committee resolved:-

 (i)        to note that the organiser had failed to engage with Council officers and Police Scotland; and

(ii)        to issue an order prohibiting the holding of the procession on the grounds of public safety and excessive pressures which would be placed on police resources.




Supporting documents: