Agenda item
Areas N3, N46 and N5, Stoneywood Estate, Aberdeen - P121652
Reference Number - 121652
The Sub Committee had before it a report by the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development which recommended:-
that the Sub Committee approve the application in respect of the approval of approval of conditions 1, 10 and 14 of the previously approved application (P110790) in relation to the erection of 51 detached and 6 semi-detached houses and the erection of shared access at areas N3, N46 and N5, Stoneywood Estate, Aberdeen, subject to the following conditions:-
(1) That no dwelling house within Areas N3, N4b and N5 shall be occupied unless the Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme relative to that house has been implemented and is fully operational. Drainage arrangements shall comply with the document “Drainage Assessment for Area N5, Stoneywood” dated 19 June 2013. (2) That no dwelling house within Areas N3, N4b and N5 shall be occupied unless a revised scheme for the National Cycle Path and footpath network to be provided through Area L1, as annotated on approved drawing number MP_101, has been submitted to, and approved in writing for the purpose by, the planning authority. (3) That the approved scheme as landscaping, as detailed in the document entitled “Stoneywood Estate Landscaping Strategy – Site N5, N3 and N4b”,shall be implemented no later than the first planting season following completion of the last house in the development approved as part of the this approval of matters specified in conditions.
The Convener moved, seconded by Councillor McCaig:-
(1) that the recommendations contained in the report be approved, (2) that officers write to the developer (Dandara) expressing concern that there had been a breach of planning control in area N5 (partial construction of a road to the north of Polo Park), whilst noting that the work had now ceased and (3) agree to ask the developers to ensure that the replacement football pitch meets the requirements of the North East Junior Football Association.
Councillor MacGregor moved as an amendment, seconded by Councillor Boulton:-
(1) that the width of the alternative road in the proposal be 6m rather than 5m, (2) agree that officers write to the developer (Dandara) expressing concern that there had been a breach of planning control in area N5 (partial construction of a road to the north of Polo Park), whilst noting that the work had now ceased and (3) agree to ask the developers to ensure that the replacement football pitch meets the requirements of the North East Junior Football Association.
On a division, there voted:-
For the motion (5) – the Convener; and Councillors Grant, Lawrence, McCaig and Thomson.
For the amendment (6) – Councillors, Boulton, Cormie, Finlayson, Jaffrey, MacGregor and Jean Morrison, MBE.
The Sub Committee resolved:-
(i) to adopt the amendment; and
(ii) to agree an extra condition as follows:– “that none of the dwellings in areas N3, N4b and N5 shall be occupied unless the proposed road serving the houses in area N3 has been constructed in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved by the planning authority, widened to 6 metres to accommodate an on road cycle facility – in the interests of sustainability, amenity, road safety and to ensure an acceptable level of cycle access on the local and wider road network).
Supporting documents:
Stoneywood Estate (Areas N3, N46, N5), item 3.
PDF 207 KB
Stoneywood Estate - Letters, item 3.