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Agenda item

Rent Arrears - Background Information and Current Actions


With reference to article 6 of the minute of its meeting on 29 October 2013, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Housing and Environment which provided (1) an update on the current level of rent arrears and actions being taken to overcome difficulties with rent management; (2) background information on the legislative changes that would impact on the management of rent arrears which included welfare reform; and (3) details of the work being undertaken by officers to minimise the level of overall debt to ensure tenants continued to sustain their tenancy.


The Convener sought agreement from the Committee that a Special Edition of the tenant’s newsletter, Newsbite, be issued in March to outline Rent Arrears and the importance for early engagement with staff.


Councillor Delaney sought additional information relating to the net value of current tenants arrears versus former tenant arrears whereupon the Head of Service advised that this information would be provided.


Councillor Jackie Dunbar sought information on the success of the letters issued prior to the Christmas Break regarding small payments whereupon the Head of Service advised that the information would be provided.


Councillor Young requested that officers explain how the service were going to implement targets for the management of rent arrears in particular those tenants with 13 weeks or more of rent arrears.


The report recommended:

that the Committee –

(a)       note the report;

(b)       note the changes in legislation that have taken place regarding legal action for recovery of properties;

(c)        note the changes and evolving picture around welfare reform;

(d)       agree to continue to support the principle of helping tenants to sustain their tenancies;

(e)       acknowledge the need however to ensure that tenants pay their due rent;

(f)        agree the action plan emerging to control rent arrears with a focus on earlier intervention and those tenants owing more than 13 weeks rent;

(g)       note that the Current SPI target for Rent Arrears is 10% of the net amount due

(h)       note the current and future actions being taken to address and minimise rent arrears;

(i)         continue to receive reports on rent management at each cycle as part of the performance report; and

(j)         receive a further report on progress with this issue in 6 months.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to note the report;

(ii)        to note the changes in legislation that have taken place regarding legal action for recovery of properties;

(iii)       to note the changes and evolving picture around welfare reform;

(iv)       to agree to continue to support the principle of helping tenants to sustain their tenancies;

(v)        to acknowledge the need to ensure that tenants pay their due rent;

(vi)       to agree the action plan emerging to control rent arrears with a focus on earlier intervention and those tenants owing more than 13 weeks rent;

(vii)      to note that the current SPI target for rent arrears is 10% of the net amount due;

(viii)     to note the current and future actions being taken to address and minimise rent arrears;

(ix)       to continue to receive reports on rent management at each cycle as part of the performance report;

(x)        to receive a further report on progress with this issue in 6 months;

(xi)       to approve the issue of a Special Edition of Newsbite to tenants in March to outline Rent Arrears and the importance of early engagement;

(xii)      to request officers to implement an ongoing review of the arrears policy;

(xiii)     to request officers to submit a report outlining how the service were going to implement targets for the management of rent arrears in particular those tenants with 13 weeks or more of rent arrears;

(xiv)     in response to a request from Councillor Delaney to receive the net value of current tenants arrears versus former tenant arrears, to note that the Head of Housing and Community Safety would provide a response directly to him;

(xv)      in response to a question from Councillor Jackie Dunbar relating to the success of the letters issued prior to the Christmas Break regarding small payments, to note that the Head of Housing and Community Safety would provide a response directly to her;

(xvi)     to request officers to include information in future reports relating to tenants who claim partial housing benefit and how they were managing to pay the remaining rent; and

(xvii)    to commend the officer for the comprehensive report.

Supporting documents: