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Agenda item

Installation of Combined Heat and Power and Proposals for Major Repairs to Multi Storeys in the Cornhill Area


The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Housing and Environment which sought approval for the project to proceed in the Cornhill area of the City.


The report recommended:

that the Committee -

(a)       instruct the Director of Housing and Environment to accept the most economically advantageous tender for the over-cladding and window replacement works that has been identified through an Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) procurement process;

(b)       approve the revised expenditure and funding profile in relation to the over-cladding and window replacement works;

(c)        approve limiting the cost to the private owners within the housing blocks who subscribe to complete over-cladding and window replacement works;

(d)       approve the cancellation of the order for the provision of district heating to Cornhill Court, on the understanding that this order will be re-instated if the objection is removed before the completion of the current installation contract;

(e)       approve the recommendation that the installation of the communal district heating pipes to Cairncry, Rosehill and Stockethill Courts is allowed to continue;

(f)        instruct the Director of Housing and Environment to make representations to Scottish Ministers that they exercise their powers under the Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004 to prescribe, by Regulation, that an owner is entitled to install district heating pipes; and

(g)       instruct officers to make further best efforts to speak to each of the private owners, who have not consented to the over-cladding works, as to their concerns and, where practical, again seek their consent to the works, through negotiation.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)         to instruct the Director of Housing and Environment to accept the most economically advantageous tender for the over-cladding and window replacement works that has been identified through an Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) procurement process;

(ii)        to approve the revised expenditure and funding profile in relation to the over-cladding and window replacement works;

(iii)       to approve limiting the cost to the private owners within the housing blocks who subscribe to complete over-cladding and window replacement works;

(iv)       to approve the cancellation of the order for the provision of district heating to Cornhill Court, on the understanding that this order will be re-instated if the objection is removed before the completion of the current installation contract;

(v)        to approve the recommendation that the installation of the communal district heating pipes to Cairncry, Rosehill and Stockethill Courts is allowed to continue;

(vi)       to instruct the Director of Housing and Environment to make representations to Scottish Ministers that they exercise their powers under the Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004 to prescribe, by Regulation, that an owner is entitled to install district heating pipes;

(vii)      to instruct officers to make further best efforts to speak to each of the private owners, who have not consented to the over-cladding works, as to their concerns and, where practical, again seek their consent to the works, through negotiation;

(viii)     to request officers to write to Scottish Ministers seeking legislation to be taken forward to assist in these cases for the future; and

(viv)     to request officers to submit a report to this Committee providing the outcome of discussions with Ministers and the outcome of sharing the risk with potential contractors.

- NEIL COONEY, Convener.